Chapter 2 : A Request that started the Journey

A young boy of 14 years of age was crouching atop a tree top, quietly waiting for his prey to fall into the trap he had laid. A small iron sword was hung on his waist, with a small bow and a quiver containing some arrows sling across his back. The boy was clad in black robes, which had an unusual cut and make, making it seem like the robe was altered from it's original look. The boy maintained his position as steady as a rock, showing a patience unlike someone in his age. A sudden twitch of the shrubbery below alerted the boy of his incoming quarry. Soon a boar, double the size of normal wild boars, came out of the shrubbery, sniffing around with it's large snout and looked at the dead deer in the small clearing ahead.

A casual look would alert anyone in the west Zonniang province that this was no ordinary boar, it was a spirit awakened boar, the various blue veins and shining white horns of the boar giving out it's Identity, something which mortal people would avoid at any cost. The boy was living in a fantastical world filled with immortals who flew across the vast sky by themselves or using various flying contraptions, spirit beasts, demonic beasts, devils, demons, divine and celestial beasts. There are ofcourse normal animals and mortals living among these fantastic individuals, mortals who have a spirit root can cultivate and become immortals by absorbing the essence of the world and just like mortals, animals too can cultivate, but instead of a spirit root, they require spirit bead in them to cultivate. Spirit awakened beasts are those who awakened their spirit sense and started cultivating. Later they can become spirit beasts, demonic beasts, divine beasts and celestial beasts. It will all depend on their blood line, spirit bead, luck and cultivation techniques. For mortals also the quality of their spirit root have a heavy influence on their cultivation to immortals. The boy has learnt this much from his grandfather, who learned of it from his son who is a cultivator and an outer disciple of Heavens Spirit Sect, situated somewhere south of the west Zonniang province. The reason mortals avoided spirit awakened beasts is simple, they are no match for such creatures and will soon be devoured than do anything if one encounter such a beast. The boy though was different, coupled with an experience that surpasses all but the mighty immortals, he trained himself in all the ways he had come to learn throughout his various lifetimes. Though he has never lived in a world of immortals and cultivation, tackling a spirit awakened beast was within his limit.

The boar finding no harm towards itself, decided to gorge upon the lucky feast. It was half way through the feast that the trap set by the boy sprung on the boar. A pit suddenly appeared and the boar fell down upon the iron spikes that the boy laid out inside the pit. The boar while having tougher than normal hide, still couldn't avoid the various injuries the spikes inflicted upon its body. Yet one look inside the pit, one would once again be reminded of the fact that this was indeed a spirit awakened beast as all the iron spikes was broken into pieces by the bulk of the boar as well as its angry stamped throughout the pit. The boy looked intently from atop the tree as the boar wildly charged inside the pit, trying to get out of the pit. He waited until the boar tired itself out, then he slowly got down from the tree and using his bow and arrows, shot the boar at it vital points, the eye's, which were the only part through which he was able to pierce the boar's tough body. After a few volleys, which was way more powerful compared to the other grownups, the boy successful killed the boar. After which he used the ropes that he brought with him to slowly pull the boar's body out of the pit.

Considering the fact that the meat of any spirit awakened beast was harmful to mortals as well as the trouble in dealing with one, no one but the boy would go after one among the mortals. The immortals on the other hand hunt them for the spirit beads, though the exact reason for it was unknown to the boy. The fascination of the boy towards the spirit awakened beasts aroused some months ago, when he stumbled upon the body of spirit awakened panther. Doing a thorough check, the boy found that the beast died in a fight against another such beast and whatever the other beast was, it only took a part of the panthers heart as price. The boy at the time was tired and hungry after a long hunting section in the forest, without any results to show for effort. So rather than wasting the meat from the panther, he decided to cook and eat it, something any informed person wouldn't do, which he wasn't at the time. It was only after completely devouring the meat did he realise that something was wrong as an overwhelming heat spread across his body from his stomach, which seemed to want to tear him apart from the inside. Fortunately, the boy quickly used the Devouring Mountain technique taught to him by the Assassins organisation. As an assassin, who had to wait in for his target for months on time without so much as a twitch, the technique was quite useful as it enabled one to eat almost anything without problem, directly ingesting it without leaving any waste behind. It was a tyrannical technique, which upon trained to perfection was rumoured to allow one to eat even stone and metals. It was only with the help of this technique that the boy was able to avoid a calamity. Later, returning home, he inquired about the beast to his grandfather, from whom he learned all about the spirit world and cultivation. After words, during his routine training section, the boy realised that his strength, agility, endurance etc has increased by leaps and bounds. The reason was simple enough to find out and something he wanted to confirm and if possible replicate as well.

Which finds him now meticulously cooking the boar meat. As he waited for the meat to be cooked, he looked at the spirit bead of the boar he killed, it was brownish red in colour, the size of a double a normal bead. The boy was able to feel a quiet warmth as he held it in his palm, along with a distinct tingle that he couldn't place from where was coming. Putting away the bead for now, the boy took the cooked meat and centred himself for devouring it. A few hours later, the boy rose from his meditating position, small strands of steam wafting up could barely be seen from his body. The boy who was 5ft 8in in height punched with his fists to check his condition, a soft wind shaft formed outward from where he punched causing the boy to give a small smile. Next he went through the various battle stands, techniques and movements that he learned throughout his lifetime. Finding himself already at the peak of how he once was at such a young age, the boy was pleasantly surprised. Seeing the surroundings get darker as the sun began to set, the boy decided to get back home since he have been camping in the forest for a week now.

Reaching his home, the boy put away the game he hunted in the kitchen since he already cleaned them and went to sleep as he decided to do the various chores around the house in the morning.


Long Lan, was a sixty five year old hunter and fisher. His wife, Li Mai, died giving birth to their only son, Long Tian, ever since then it had always been him and his son, until when his son reached 16 years of age and went to Xianong city for Heaven Spirit Sect disciple selection, which he passed having tri attributed spirit root. His son was accepted as a outer court disciple, both father and son were happy. The son trained diligently and came by once in a while to visit his father, narrating to him the wonders of the cultivation world. But every happy thing will come to an end. His son who used to come around every five years haven't come back to see him for the past twenty three years. He didn't know whether it was because his son has got caught up with his cultivation or is it because of something else, whatever it may be he has come to accept his son's disappearance. Long Lan was reminiscing the past with a twinge of sadness when the sound of steady chopping of wood outside caught his attention. He saw his adopted grandson chopping wood, just as usual whenever he was around. Seeing him brought back the memories of how he found the boy, at the time a mere baby floating across the river, when he was fishing, in a small wooden cradle. Taking the baby out of the river, he looked for anything to identify him, finding none, he decided to raise him by himself as he saw the baby as God's gift to him as he was saddened by his son's absence. The boy was a delight to raise, very intelligent and diligent. The boy learned anything that was taught to him very quickly, when he reached eleven years of age, had started following around him to his hunts into the forest. Ever since thirteen, the boy has proved himself capable and started going on hunts on his own. Long Lan let out a tired sigh as he knew his life is close to reach the end. Sighing once more, he called out to his grandson, "Liwu', leave it for now. Let's eat something."

"Coming, grandpa"


The boy, called Liwu', quickly went to prepare the food and soon joined his grandfather on the dining table to break fast.

"How was the hunt?", asked his grandfather.

"It went well, grandpa. I got two deers and seven rabbits. Enough for another week and to get some money from the market."

"Mhm, good. You have been careful while hunting in the forest now, haven't you?. Your fascination with the spirit beast is a little disconcerting."

"Don't worry grandpa, I have been careful.", after some pause, Liwu' asked in a caring tone, "How are you grandpa? You seem more tired nowadays"

His grandfather was soon to wave of his concern, "Don't worry about it. I am not as spry as I used to be and I told you didn't I? everyone has to go once their time is up. Go on then, complete your meal and sell those games before long."

"Yes, grandpa.", Liwu' replied with a nod, though one could still see the concern in his eyes.

An year went away and Long Lan was at Death's door, Liwu' was at his side, sadness and acceptance pouring out of his countenance.

"Liwu', don't be sad. Your grandpa has lived a good long life. I had a beautiful wife, a wonderful son and a filial and amazing grandson in you. I am actually content now that my time has come. You know you shouldn't just waste around here. After I am gone, go travel the world. If you want join a sect and become a cultivator like my son. If not live a life that you don't regret. Promise me that you wouldn't waste away here"

"I promise grandpa", Liwu' promised solemnly.

As the sun dimmed down, so did the life of old man Lan.

Liwu' performed the death rituals and rites, scattering the ashes of his grandfather in the Golden river, the same river his grandfather found him as a baby. After standing on the shores of the Golden river, Liwu' decided to travel to Xianong city and join the Heaven Spirit Sect and if possible find Long Tian, to inform of his father's death. Packing up what little knickknacks he had, Liwu' set out on his journey.

The journey to Xianong city was five days long on foot from the Menyan village where he resided. Throughout his journey, he met various kinds of people, merchants, farmers, noble men and women. Most youths he met on his journey was heading to the city for the purpose of joining the Sect as well. Among the various youths, there were those who had silver spoon in their mouth, whom Liwu' avoided and from the other youths from common backgrounds, he learned more about the selection process and the martial world, as it was known among the cultivators. The selection process was simple enough, as all it had was for one of the prospective disciple to touch a spirit tool called Heavens Spirit root diviner. The tool will tell the cultivator in charge of examination of the spirit root one posses. Any one with a Heaven Spirit root, which is one in a million chance, as well those with single attributed spirit root or special physic were admitted as inner court disciple. Next anyone with dual attributed or tri attributed spirit root were admitted as outer court disciple. Finally those with four or more attributed spirit root was admitted as sect caretakers. Any one from the all three groups can join the higher level, if they can cultivate to a required degree. For sect caretakers, it was 4th level of Qi condensation. For outer court disciple it was 10th level of Qi condensation. Above inner court disciples, there were core disciples as well as direct disciples, who were those selected directly by sect elders as their own students. For that to happen, one have to either reach 13th level of Qi condensation before reaching 20 years of age or reach Foundation establishment stage. While Liwu' have heard of all these from his grandpa who learned it from his son, it wasn't as detailed as it was from these youths. Liwu' was sure that he had a spirit root, since he could sense the worldly essence, but wasn't sure what his spirit attribute was. He wasn't worried about it like his piers. Since he didn't have much grand goals or anything yet.

It was on the morning of the sixth day after he started his journey that Liwu' reached Xianong city. The city was quite big, but not so much like giant behemoths of cities he had witnessed in his previous lives. Liwu' didn't waste any time wandering around as he went directly to book a room at an inn, after finding a modest inn and checking in, he cleaned up and went to the city square were the Heaven Spirit Sect has an outpost, which was used for the purpose of contact with the mortal world as well as the recruitment process. Since there was three more days until the selection process commenced, Liwu' was able to find and register for the examination.

On the ninth day since he left his home, Liwu' stood in a line waiting for his name to be called for examination in the early bright morning. An indifferent voice droned out every few minutes calling out names. And soon Liwu' heard his name being called; 'Shangdi de liwu'.