Ying Li

My eyes flew open the moment I smelled her scent; the smell of jasmine. Through my blurry eyes, I could see the outline of her face, though I could also hear her suppressed sobs as she came nearer in my bed.

"Jie-Jie" With a feeble voice, the words I long to say was finally uttered.

"Ying Zhen....my little sister...A-Are you okay?" Her words stuttered and I fought the urge to smile at her mistakes.

Ah, my older sister who is seen as a perfect, well-bred young lady is looking pitiful at me. With her black lustrous hair falling on her back, lovely black eyes were red rimmed due to tears as her cute pointy nose scrunched up when she tried to stop her cries.

"Ying Zhen! What happened?! Why did you c-cut your hand?!.....Don't you.....don't you want to live anymore?!" Her fierce tone turned small as she clasp my uninjured hands with her cold and pale ones.

"I'm just tired"

Her hands tremble, and soon, her body shook. Her cries were full of anguish and sorrow as she held me, embracing me with her warmth, as if it will warm me up.

But even though she have cried a thousand rivers, shout towards the heaven and earth, there's nothing she can do beside to mourn.

To mourn for the loss of her coward younger sister, who is too afraid to see the light again.

"Shh.....Such a crybaby....whose the eldest here again?" I ask her the question she would always say whenever were fighting together.

"Shut up....you're the one whose crying"

After her words registered on my head, I felt my cheeks and found it was wet. Ying Li's eyes were trained on me, like a hunter, she awaits for the beast to wreck havoc on this room.

"Seems like I still have enough tears to cry" Eyes vacant, I look at her with no emotion, not even a speck of it. The hold she have on me stiffen, then she unclasp her hands on me and slap the back of my neck.

"I dare you to say that again Zhao Ying Zhen! Don't test my patience okay?! If you try this.....this thing! If you dare try to pull this act again I will disown you! I would step down as your elder sister because.....clearly because I haven't done a good job as Jie-Jie" Standing up, her words were the opposite of it.

Her words pained me, and I feel guilty for becoming her sister. She was just so positive, so bright and perfect, and for her to have me as a sister is a disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Jie-Jie"

"Don't worry Ying Zhen, I would totally use all of my power just to stop dad's plan on sending you to a.....a-asylum. You're not crazy!-"


"You like silence and you preferred to be alone. Father and Mother is just muddleheaded, afraid of the words that the socialite people would say because of your act!"

More lies.

Her words were resolute, her head was still wrapped on her own reality that she forgot what is lie and what is not.

"You knew it too, right Jie-Jie?"

Her eyes shook, her breath was hitched as she gaze into my cold empty eyes. Looking down at my pale bony hands, I struggled to breathe, the words stuck into my mouth as I shut my eyes before opening it in a second.

"That I'm just a failed investment to them"