In the midst of me eating my favorite snack and my tea time, I was interrupted when a call from the devil- I mean my 'Fiancee' flashed on my phone.
"What is it?" Not even some simple Hi and Hello, straight to the point.
His words were still the same, straight to the point as well, but when I processed his words. I really really want to get inside his head and shout "What is your problem?! Are you sick in the head?!"
But of course I can only imagine that, Because I was just the employee and he is the employer.
"What?! How come you- Of course you wouldn't" I mumbled in my breath as I held my head into contemplation.
You all might be wondering about the problem that made me this so irritated and nervous, which I haven't felt before after I was reborn.
I'm meeting my in laws.
Just great!
"Is this fine? Do you think they'll like them? Huh? Feng-ge!" I shouted irritably when I see him only gazing at me with amused eyes.
"They're not picky"
Of course, his words were still short but precise. But that's not what I needed right now, what I need is precise detail about their likes and dislikes.
"Oh! Young Master! You're back and.....this young lady is?" A woman in his fifties ask me. When I look at her, she smiled at me, smiling back at her kind smile, I turned towards Feng Li and waited for his answer.
"She's my wife"
"You mean your soon to be wife. By the way, my name is Zhou Ying Zhen, you may have heard me in the news lately so I'm apologizing here early for the unnecessary.....trouble that I brought" Smiling wryly, I watch her shook her head multiple times before she held my hands tightly.
"Oh no! I heard it but do not worry my child, you are safe with our young master here. He is a well mannered gentleman, so I am happy he finally found the woman he would have for the rest of his life"
Her words were so similar to my grandma, taking hold of her hand, I brought it to me and said.
"Thank you so much for your kind words"
"Oho! What a polite and gentle child you are!"
"My son definitely used up all his luck to meet such a wonderful woman like you"
Looking at the front door, I didn't notice that my in laws were there and looking at me with so much fondness in their eyes. Embarrassed, I could only hide behind Feng Li's broad back and peek at them like a scared animal.
"Don't worry, we don't bite" A woman who have a mature face and a charming mole behind her left eye said. She was well endowed in every part of her body, wearing a charming smile on her face, she almost took my breath away.
"You made her scared Feng Mian! Do not worry, I Feng Da would rescue you towards my dragoness older sister and serpent brother! I am- Ouch! Mom!" A man with a delicate features and have a craze look in his eyes said.
Laughter echoed into the place, with me laughing along the maids who shake their heads as if they were used at this unknown situation with me.
"You idiot! You made her more scared! Anyways, we must come inside, I'm afraid those sweet baked bread you made would turn cold" With her words, everyone dispersed and I was finally able to heaved a sigh of relief.
Going inside of their house, no matter how much I have imagined it, I would still be clueless. Even though we are childhood friends, I never met his family, only my sister Ying Li would go often to their house and play with them.
Feeling a bit better after taking a seat, Feng Li suddenly lowered his head and whispered in my ear.
"Not nervous now?
"Not anymore, they are good people, unlike you"
He just looked at me with those amusing gaze of him, feeling a little bit perturbed at his laser like eyes, I turned away only to be held by my chin.
"Too bad you married a bad man"
"Correction, will marry"
Our eyes silently fought, I was almost certain that I would win when a sudden gush of voices were heard in front of me.
"Aww...The two of you are really in love"
As if!