Chubby Harry’s Ambitious Hope

"Wha… What?" Chubby Harry suddenly stuttered as he was sure that he didn't have a brain fart and that he had heard Mu Fan correctly.

Under Harry's stare, Mu Fan repeated seriously, "This move, I could probably do it too."

Chubby Harry stared at Mu Fan with admiration as Mu Fan stood up and walked towards the training area.

Mu Fan stood still like a tree and lifted his right leg before immediately dropping it down as his left leg stepped forward. Suddenly, he bent sideways in a way that seemed to disobey the laws of physics as his waist twisted until it almost snapped. In the process, he swung his right leg like a bolt of lightning that was striking across the night sky. Chubby Harry could still see the afterimages when he felt the ground shake as if an ancient mammoth had stomped its foot. When the sound wave finally reached Harry's head, his jaw was still dropped as he blankly stared at the wood stake that had been shattered by Mu Fan's kick.

After a short moment of silence, Chubby Harry charged towards Mu Fan like a shot-out cannonball with a speed that didn't match his figure, and he shouted, "Ahhh!!! Pro!!!! Take me as your apprentice!!!"

While Mu Fan was still wondering whether to stop Chubby Harry's charge with his hand or foot, Harry dropped to his knees two-meters away from Mu Fan and slid towards him before grabbing him by the legs and howling with his head raised.

"This can't be real! I was actually able to see the move in the video in real life! Brother, please take me as your apprentice!" For someone who had never been in contact with violence in real life, Harry couldn't believe that he had just witnessed this move right in front of his eyes.

If I didn't watch that video on the skycom with this kid, I would think that he was Dark Right Foot himself.

There is a pro right in front of me today; I need to behave better to suck up to him. Chubby Harry didn't care for anything other than hanging onto Mu Fan's leg, and so he couldn't see Mu Fan's twitching facial muscles.

He still owes me 500 star coins in tips… He still owes me 500 star coins in tips… Mu Fan tried hard to control himself from kicking Chubby Harry off from his leg as he repeatedly thought of the attractive amount of tip in his head.

"Pro! Please take me as your apprentice!" Chubby Harry didn't shout this time around.

When Chubby Harry saw Mu Fan's cold gaze towards both of his hands on Mu Fan's thigh, he subconsciously let go of his hands but then immediately grabbed onto Mu Fan's pants before the latter had a chance to pull away his leg. It felt like Mu Fan would fly away if he let go.

"Why do you say that?" Mu Fan didn't realize how big of an impact his move had on this Chubby Harry, who should be knowledgeable.

Bruh, do you really think that just anybody can do that move? I won't believe you even if you keep on pretending. Chubby Harry thought secretly as he flattered Mu Fan, "I've never seen anybody do that move in real life. Please take me as your apprentice, I promise I'll behave."

"Not interested," Mu Fan said as he pulled back his leg.

"Pro! Master! Please take me as your apprentice; I'm good at enduring pain and being hardworking!" Chubby Harry shouted as he saw how calm and master-like Mu Fan was, and he was afraid that Mu Fan would walk away if he was unsatisfied.

"We could go onto the PO Battle Network together, and we'll definitely become famous." Chubby Harry started to worry having seen that Mu Fan was still unmoved, and he shouted, "Master, please take me as your apprentice, and I'll give you all my allowance as tuition!"

"Tuition? You still owe me 500 star coins as tips; don't forget about that." Mu Fan's ears perked up, and he sounded a bit mad as he thought that this cunning chubby boy was trying to use the tips as tuition.

"No, no, no. Tips are tips, and tuition is on top."

"How much?" Mu Fan seemed particularly sensitive about this topic and touched his nose as he said as if he was having difficulty deciding, "But I don't have anything to teach you. I don't know this move; I just learned it from the video that we watched."

Mu Fan was always honest. Even though the tuition sounded tempting, he still told Chubby Harry the truth.

"Not a problem! I didn't want to learn that move, and I wouldn't be able to master it even if you taught me." Chubby Harry shook his head like a rattle drum as he never even thought about learning that move.

"Pro, no… Master, let's play on the PO Battle Network together." Chubby Harry stared sincerely at Mu Fan as he thought to himself. After being trained by this pro, I will be able to make my classmates' jaws drop. I will see if they dare to mock me again.

Chubby Harry had his own plans.

"But… I don't know how to play on the PO Battle Network." Mu Fan seemed more confused.

"No problem, I could teach you!"

"I don't have money to pay for tuition for that."

"I'll give you the tuition. Pro, Master, you just have to accompany me," Chubby Harry answered immediately twice in a row. He could tell that he had hit the jackpot this time as he knew that Mu Fan was definitely a hidden master. He must grab onto Mu Fan's legs tightly as this was a huge chance for him. Thanks, Dad; thanks, Uncle Wu.

"Ugh, nevermind." Mu Fan hesitated and rejected Harry's offer since his priority right now was to earn money; he didn't have time to think about anything else.

"What is going on, Pro!" Chubby Harry almost cried out loud. My mech's chance of advancing beyond Silver 1-star lies right within this silent pro before me.

"I need to earn money, and I'm satisfied with this job right now." Mu Fan remembered that he was quite satisfied with the free nutritious meal boxes in the cafeteria.

"How much do you make per day?" Chubby Harry stood up and asked.

"Exactly 500 star coins, and I can keep all the tips," Mu Fan answered honestly.

"Master, I'll be coming here for the next half of the month. I'm going to upgrade to Advanced-VIP, and I'll choose you as my practice partner. I'll give you an extra 1,000 star coins as tip per day, so can you join me on the PO Battle Network?" Chubby Harry thought for a bit and said to Mu Fan seriously; it was rare for him to be so serious.

"Deal." Mu Fan agreed decisively as it was a good chance to earn more money. Why not?

"I'll bring an optical computer tomorrow for you as a gift since you're my master now," Chubby Harry offered as he knew about Mu Fan's difficulties.

"It's alright; I can get it myself." Mu Fan wasn't going to accept others' generosity without a reason.

"Don't reject it so fast. You can pay me back when you have money later because you will need it to access the PO Battle Network. With the optical computer, you can also access the network from home." Chubby Harry had considered the big picture already.

"Okay, then I won't take your tips. It'll count as a repayment for the optical computer, and I'll pay you back the difference later when I earn more money," Mu Fan hesitated for a moment and said in a firm tone.

"No… Okay, fine; you can pay me back when you have money." Chubby Harry was going to reject Mu Fan, but he soon changed his words when he saw the firmness in Mu Fan's eyes.

For someone who could perform the same move as a Diamond 5-star player, he is definitely not an average person! Gosh; I, Brother Chubby, have such sharp eyes to spot talent. He will be my secret weapon to surprise all of you in half a month. Those who mocked my 'Lemon Balloon' and called me fat, just wait! I got myself a helper now.

"Also, I'm Mu Fan. You can just call me by my name; no need to call me other things." Mu Fan couldn't read other people's minds, but he was sensitive, and he could tell the sincerity in Chubby Harry's eyes. Harry didn't have the uncomfortable vibe that other rich people had on them; he never looked down at Mu Fan nor looked at him with mockery or disdain.

Meanwhile, Young Master Harry was stunned by what Mu Fan had said to him. He was indulging himself in the virtual reality world as a way to escape the low self-esteem caused by his body size, and that had caused his social circle to shrink smaller and smaller.

Yet at this moment, he felt touched by Mu Fan's words, as he said with excitement in his eyes, "I'm… I'm Harry. Pro… No, Mu Fan. Hello."

Chubby Harry reached out his right hand nervously...

Mu Fan lightly punched his fist on Harry's palm.

The scene of the two boys froze in time, and an ambitious hope grew inside of Chubby Harry. It was towards the future… or also for friendship… or also for a dream!