The Flashy Boxers and the Tank Top

Such a realistic world. 

This was Mu Fan's first impression of the view in front of him after he teleported.

He was in the center of a corridor with a water fountain surrounded by a garden; it was a completely different scene from the heavily industrialized rookie base. Mu Fan could even feel the chills from the water drops splashing onto his skin. The garden was enclosed in a huge plaza, and there were vintage pubs with wooden saloon doors where players were walking in and out. Meanwhile, a high-end giant light display screen was streaming live news and the latest regional news and hot topics on the other side. Mu Fan tilted his head and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sunlight shining upon his face; this warmth was something that he had never experienced in real life.

Mu Fan followed the notifications on his wristband. He walked down the winding corridor and through the dense trees towards the square where Chubby Harry was.

This place wasn't like a modern city filled with technology; it was more like a utopia in a fantasy. It was even beyond Mu Fan's imagination as he hadn't experienced anything close to this where he grew up at. 

Mu Fan walked at a fast pace, and it didn't take him very long before he reached the coordinates that the system provided through the navigation feature.

"Ding, coordinates reached."

Mu Fan looked up, and a magnificent structure that was even larger than the Starfall Budokan appeared in front of his eyes. The silver-white metal glistened on the main gate, and there were multiple smaller doors on its sides where crowds were gathering. Obviously, this place was a player gathering location. With this many people, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack to search for Chubby Harry in the crowd. 

"I'm here, how do I find you?" Mu Fan sent Chubby Harry a voice message.

"This is an isolated spatial structure, just like the portal you that went through. Once you enter, there's going to be the main lobby, and there are also private rooms. My room number is CC1029; just ask the assistants at the door," Chubby Harry replied in an instant. Clearly, Young Master Harry was also rich in the game. 

Female assistants dressed in black uniforms were at the door, providing information services to players who were coming and going. This was because in the PO Battle Network, communicating with female players was more amiable and more efficient compared to searching through the manual of the system. This was something that the system lacked. 

A female player named 'Night Laurel' was a part-time assistant here. She was a second-year student from Changhe Medical Academy on Planet Wenchang, and she heard about this opportunity to earn some star coins from her friends.

She was a bright girl with pretty features, and she thought that she could give this a try when she came to this service desk in the combat zone that was hiring. She never thought that she would have been hired. There weren't as many requirements compared to jobs in real life. The assistants only needed positive images and good manners.

This job is tiring though, 'Night Laurel' complained in her mind as she had just finished answering a player's question. However, when she saw that her colleagues still had smiles on, she clenched her teeth as she thought about the benefits of this job. She could earn 3,000 star coins a month working part-time here, and it could cover her daily expenses with enough left over. It was better than the days when she had to count the coins for meals in the academy.

Let the day end quickly please, she prayed secretly, but she was only halfway through her shift.

"Hm? That person is so flashy," Night Laurel said to her colleague beside her. 

"What?... Hahahaha, why is that person wearing the default tank top only? At least get a rookie training suit after passing the rookie camp. He does look flashy and handsome though." Her colleague was stunned at first, but then she snickered as her eyes soon glistened since she noticed his nice figure and muscles.

"I'm speechless; you're so boy-crazy," Night Laurel said while rolling her eyes. 

Her female colleague got even more excited as she pointed forward and said, "Look, he's walking towards us! He must be coming to ask for our chat-ID. He's so dashing; should I give him my ID or give him my ID." Since they started working here, there were many players who had come to them for their chat-ID; they were always attracting attention since there were tons of players but only a few beautiful girls at the gate.

The guy who they were talking about was obviously Mu Fan, and he didn't notice that he was still wearing the default tank top and boxers combo that the System gave to players when they first spawned. Of course, he wouldn't have cared even if he knew as these clothes were cleaner than the ones that he had in real life, so what was there to complain about?

Mu Fan had no idea that the System would give everyone a brown rookie training suit regardless if they passed or skipped the training session. 

The training suit didn't have much of a design, but the simplicity had a classic look. The PO Battle Network wasn't stingy as their newbie uniform didn't look ugly. But if players wanted to have more unique clothes, then they would have to purchase them with star coins, and there were more than a million types of clothes here from all price ranges. 

First, Mu Fan didn't mind those funny looks coming from people around him since he didn't care. Also, he didn't know anything about this. 

Why? Because he never even completed the rookie training, nor did the System pop up notifications for the skip option. He was sent out after being beaten to death by the short metal staff, and then there was nothing after he exited, so he came straight here to find Chubby Harry. 

That would make sense why he had no idea why he could enter the combat zone without even passing through the rookie training and why the crowd was staring at him like a weirdo; it was because he had never been in contact with such things; how could he know all this common knowledge? 

The things that others would consider rather unusual was normal in Mu Fan's eyes.

Just so imagine how flashy and eye-catching it was for a man to walk around in a pair of boxers and a tank top at a gala. 

"Look; he's really walking here," Night Laurel's colleague murmured. 

Night Laurel saw that Mu Fan was approaching her, so she quickly smiled and walked up to greet him. 

"Hello, is there anything I could help you with?" she asked with a standard smile on her face that she practiced many times. 

"Hi, I want to go to Room CC1029," Mu Fan answered honestly. 

"Oh, this way please. This is the VIP passage, and the System will ask you once you enter. You can tell the System the room ID, and you can directly enter if you are authorized." 

Night Laurel was slightly stunned as she felt like she couldn't understand how the minds of 'rich' people worked. CC-level rooms were VIP rooms that cost a ton, and she was surprised that Mu Fan had the money to open a VIP room but didn't have the money to change his clothes. "Oh, okay. Thanks." Mu Fan didn't know what Night Laurel thought of him, and he followed her instructions through the VIP passage on the side.

There were fewer people after he entered the VIP passage, and he followed the directions to an individual portal. Then, a white ring of light surrounded him.

"Hello, please enter the Room ID." 


"Beep. Room identified. Player authorization confirmed. Successful recognition. Teleporting now." 

A light flashed by, and Mu Fan disappeared in the ring of light.

Night Laurel sighed as she watched Mu Fan disappear in his boxers and tank top, and she zapped her lips and thought secretly, What a pity; he didn't even leave his contact. It is rare to see a rich person that is both handsome and unique.