Hunting! Double Kill!

The players were inside a level-1 battle room in the PO Battle Network, yet they felt like they were battling against a pro from a higher-level battle room. That funny looking-mech standing across from them was only a skeleton, and it had the simplest katana in its hands without any long-range weapons.

Yet, it stood there like a lone wolf that had locked onto its prey at night with its fangs showing, and the vicious aura it emitted felt more than real.

Mu Fan felt as if he was back in those days when he hunted for his prey in the wilderness, and the only option that he had when he faced those ferocious beasts was to stay alive. 

The opponent team sensed something strange about this skeleton-like mech. It doesn't seem like an easy target to defeat.

The two Raiders went to opposite directions and stood in front and behind this mech.

Mu Fan was so focused on the two mechs beside him that he didn't notice his teammates calling him thousand times in the team voice communication channel.

On the other side, Chubby Harry sneak-attacked another enemy mech, but he also got injured with, his energy reactor damaged by 37%. Their team was wiped out at Point A, and the green team was in a 3v4 situation against the blue team, including Mu Fan and these two enemy mechs. 

Mu Fan was adapting to the mech's movements as he stood up slowly in his EH01, and his left hand held the katana in front of his chest as he retreated backwards.

Every step felt heavy, and the weight upon Mu Fan made it hard for him to move around. 

The two Raiders carefully approached the white skeleton mech as it retreated backwards; they didn't want it to escape as they thought that they had a better chance to win when fighting two against one. 

Mu Fan was only in the state of body motion synchronization since Black didn't initiate brain synchronization with the control console yet. Therefore, he could only control the mech's body and limbs, and the only weapon that he could rely on was the katana. 

"Attack!" The two Raiders charged at the same time, one from the left and another from the right. Mu Fan controlled the left arm to block the sword attack from the Raider on the left. 

Meanwhile, the Gatling gun on the arm of the Raider to the right started to fire. Within a short distance of dozens of meters, about half of the bullets landed on Mu Fan's mech. 

A series of sparks splashed in all directions, and Mu Fan quickly tried to dodge. However, due to the limitation of his mech, EH01's right arm was ripped off by the great impact from the bullet, and the mech only had a right shoulder left. Sparks were flashing at the right shoulder as broken wires were causing short circuits.

Mu Fan's mech had lost an arm.

Pain! Excruciating pain! It was the same feeling that Mu Fan had felt during the training camp when his bones got broken by that metal staff. Mu Fan had lost senses of his right arm, and this was because of the 100% pain simulation that Black had changed in the setting without consulting him.

"Beep. Warning. Right arm damaged by 70%; basic functions lost." 

Mu Fan half-squatted before leaping up. After stepping on several protruding rocks, he hid himself behind the wreckage of a big spaceship. The bullets that were shot by the Raider on the left followed him closely and shattered the rocks that he had stepped on. 

"Good thing that you dodged quickly. Otherwise, you would've been turned into a pile of waste by us regardless of how strong you are." 

The Raider on the left was high-spirited as he felt like he had redeemed himself after Mu Fan kicked away his metal sword. 

Meanwhile, Mu Fan who was floating inside the cockpit seemed like he was closely leaning against a wall. His left arm was half lifted while his right arm hung powerlessly by his side. 

All the sudden, Mu Fan raised his head and opened his eyes wide. If one observed closely, they would see that his eyes weren't actually focused anywhere, and red lights flashed in them. 

"Argh!" At this moment, Mu Fan was berserk like never before; he was like a starving lone wolf in desperation. His expression had also turned fierce like a beast. 

"I was correct, there's something unusual about your DNA that allows you to sync into the virtual world." Black flew inside the cockpit as it said calmly in a serious tone, unlike before, "Investigation in the real world would be necessary." 

Meanwhile, the two Raiders got around the wreck of the spaceship as they planned to attack at the same time!

However, when the Raider with the gun got around the wreck, he saw Mu Fan's skeleton-like mech jump up and dashed toward him. 

"Idiot." The player smirked inside his cockpit as his Gatling gun roared again. Within this range, Mu Fan would have no chance to live. 

However, Mu Fan's body twisted slightly in mid-air and turned his broken right shoulder towards the Raider.

His right shoulder was ripped apart this time.

"Argh!" The redness in Mu Fan's hollow eyes darkened like lava surging in volcanoes. 

Meanwhile, the Raider on the other side quietly sneaked up on Mu Fan and swung his sword, planning to kill Mu Fan in mid-air. 

Two attacks from two sides!

However, the white skeleton in mid-air changed into a position that no one expected.

While his right shoulder got ripped apart, he turned 180 degrees and used his broken right shoulder again to defend himself against the metal sword, causing a portion of his remaining shoulder to be chopped off. However, his mech leaped into the air, and his left hand held onto his katana and slashed downwards into the neck of the Raider with the Gatling gun. This mech was still in its shooting position, and the katana struck deep into its neck. Only the handle of the katana stuck out of the neck. 

Straight towards the player! The player inside the cockpit couldn't even react before the huge katana slashed through the cockpit and sliced his body in half, killing him within a second. 

Everything that happened in this second was one smooth movement.

Bam! Dirt flew everywhere as the Raider with the Gatling gun knelt onto the ground, Meanwhile, Mu Fan's white skeleton-like mech let go of the katana and tried to support its falling body with the remaining left arm.

The tables had turned; it was now a one versus one. 

The half-crippled EH01 faced the intact Raider with the metal sword. 

Based on the situation, the half-crippled skeleton-like mech should be in a disadvantage, but it was completely the opposite as the remaining Raider didn't dare to move a single bit. It held the sword with both hands, and the tip of the sword pointed towards the white skeleton. 

EH01 that was controlled by Mu Fan through body motion synchronization didn't bother to look back after it had slashed the katana into the first Raider's body. It supported its body with its left arm as it half knelt and stared at the remaining Raider.

The Raider was unable to see Mu Fan in the cockpit, or else he would have seen Mu Fan smirking as his eyes turned red like blood. 

The white skeleton moved!

It moved first even in a disadvantage as it turned its body by 180 degrees, and its left arm drew an arc in mid-air as it swung toward the Raider. 

"Hmph!" The Raider's sword went straight for the white skeleton's remaining left arm. 

Yet, the half-crippled skeleton-like mech went forward instead of dodging. Suddenly, the fast punch lowered as Fang Jie did the same thing inside the mech. The fast punch was unstoppable. As it drew an arc, the punch landed on the ground as it glided on the metal sword. Then, Mu Fan's mech's shoulder touched the sword, and this metal sword was pressed onto the ground by Mu Fan's mech's bodyweight. 

The weapon dropped onto the ground!

The Raider was stunned by the sudden change at this moment and wanted to back away quickly, but the white skeleton swung its leg and kicked onto the lower legs of the Raider.

With a loud thud, the Raider lost its balance and fell onto the ground. 

Mu Fan didn't pause at all. His mech got up by propping with his left arm, and it leaped forward again. 

The Raider was lying on its back and facing the sky when a black shadow appeared in its sight. This shadow elbowed downwards. 

Bam! The Raider didn't even get to grab its gun when its head was shattered by an eight-ton skeleton-like mech's heavy elbow strike.

The display screen went static for the player inside the cockpit. Then, the display screen got ripped apart, and a metal leg appeared in his vision. 

Stomp strike!

Instant kill!

['Dalong01' and 'Dalong02' on the red team have been eliminated; 'Lord Egg' got a double kill!]

The entire battlefield fell silent.

Chubby Harry and the remaining teammate were stunned, and so were the enemies. The two players named in the announcement had a winning rate above 85%! Judging by the name, they clearly belonged to the same group and were pros who came into the newbie room for practice. 

Who did they encounter?!

The funny name 'Lord Egg' didn't make anyone laugh on the battlefield. Instead, only cold sweat ran down their backs.

Meanwhile, Mu Fan in the cockpit had no idea how others reacted to his double kill. He stood there quietly. Although both his arms hung down powerlessly, and his eyes were closed without any redness flashing in them, he stood tall like a pine tree as he murmured, "Survive…"