Revisiting Base Training Camp 341

Mu Fan was absent-minded the entire afternoon when he was training with Chubby Harry. When Chubby Harry couldn't punch any longer after 30 minutes of training, Mu Fan dropped his arms and stood still.

"Mu Fan, what's wrong?"

"There's something that I want to deal with."

"What is it?" Chubby Harry rubbed his wrists as he asked. 

"Do you know Young Master Wen?" Mu Fan asked in a soft tone.

Chubby Harry didn't catch it at first. "Which Young Master Wen?"

"The only son of the Second Senator," Mu Fan repeated what he had heard from Man Kun.

"Wen Zheming?!" Harry's brows pinched together as he asked Mu Fan, "Why are you asking about him? He's a ruthless person and doesn't have a good reputation within our circle." 

"He's here."

"What!?!" Chubby Harry jumped up. Wen Zheming is here too! What kind of joke is this! How come I didn't know!

Mu Fan organized his thoughts and said to Chubby Harry, "My friend's leg got broken by him, so I want to meet him." 

"No, you can't! That person's too dangerous!" Chubby Harry sounded worried.

Mu Fan squinted his eyes as he said calmly, "I must go." 

Chubby Harry suddenly remembered how skilled Mu Fan actually was, but he still worried for him. "Mu Fan, you must remember that you shouldn't mess with him, or else we will be in big trouble." 

"I just want to be his practice partner when there's time." Mu Fan nodded. 

"You're crazy," Chubby Harry murmured. Believing what Mu Fan had said was the same as believing space pirates were all going to be good people from now on. 

"You don't believe me?" Mu Fan said as he raised his punch target pad and nodded at Chubby Harry. "Again!!"

Chubby Harry pushed himself up helplessly. 

After an entire afternoon of training, Chubby Harry was so tired that he didn't even have the energy to talk. However, since Mu Fan was his friend now, he would support him in his decisions. 

Meanwhile, Mu Fan didn't seem tired at all, and he was fine the entire afternoon.

However, this was like the calm before the storm; the calmer it seemed, the stronger the storm would be.

After changing into street clothes and confirming the ten o'clock appointment tomorrow, Chubby Harry dashed away from Mu Fan immediately, and Mu Fan also headed downstairs to change. 

Eh? That figure?

Mu Fan walked towards the changeroom with his head lowered, and he suddenly saw someone walking by in an unsteady manner and collasped when he passed by. 

Mu Fan quickly reached out to support the person and looked up at the same time. It was Jereff!

Jereff's right eye was swollen up, and the corner of his left eye was bleeding non-stop. His eyes almost couldn't be opened, so he didn't see it was Mu Fan who held him, and he tried to push the person away.

"Go away; I don't need help." 

Even though Jereff was taller than Mu Fan by a head, and his body size doubled Mu Fan's, Mu Fan was still able to hold his shoulders firmly. 

"It's…you boy?" Jereff finally realized that it was Mu Fan who was holding him up. 

"Young Master Wen?" Mu Fan only mentioned a name, but Jereff understood what he meant as he raised his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth. 

"Yeah. He's pretty tough and ruthless. I couldn't dodge but I made it. Ha…" Jereff's face twitched in pain as he stretched the wound near his lips.

"I'm going to find Charison tomorrow, and I'll take it from here." Mu Fan raised his head as he looked at Jereff who was bruised all over. 

 "This is my job, and nobody's going to take it away from me!" Jereff was mad as he felt like he was being looked down upon, and he whipped away Mu Fan's hand as he staggered into the changeroom. 

Mu Fan didn't stop him this time; he only watched Jereff walk away. He was silent, but his eyes were glistening. He could sense that the battle call was going to approach him soon.

The day ended, and Mu Fan received the 500 star coins with both hands. One hour later, Mu Fan arrived precisely at the abandoned factory. Nobody had activated the alarm, and there were only claw marks on the thin sand, indicating that birds were here for food before.

He had finished the meat that he gathered within three meals, and he wondered if he should buy some meal boxes and carry them home next time. Mu Fan looked at the night sky above him as he wrapped himself in his blanket, and he could feel his stomach growling. I left the helmet in the safe inside room No.4; I'll wait until tomorrow to bring it back then. 

Mu Fan was as calm as ever, and he went into sleep as the starlight scattered on his body. 


Mu Fan arrived in front of Budokan first thing in the morning, and the cleaning staff were still doing their daily maintenance. Mu Fan nodded to the guards in black at the gate as he walked inside. After finishing ten boxes of breakfast, he wiped his lips as he headed onto the third floor. 

The cafeteria staff looked at Mu Fan as he left, and they thought to themselves, his wage should be cut in half if the Budokan is to keep such a person. He better has some skills, or the Budokan won't be making money with him here. Is he here just to get food?

Of course, Mu Fan wouldn't know what those people thought behind his back as he walked into training room No. 4 on the third floor. 

He changed to a training suit. Surprisingly, his back had almost healed, and most of the scars disappeared as if they were never there. However, Mu Fan didn't notice as he was insensitive towards these things, and he only felt that he was hungrier than usual!

The PO Battle Network? Or the gravitational room?

Many things happened at the Budokan yesterday, and Mu Fan wanted to talk to someone about them today. Therefore, he decided to go on the PO Battle Network to find Black! If Black wasn't there, then he could fight a few rounds with that sickeningly power instructor named Gladiator. He was feeling a bit irritated today! 

Mu Fan took out the optical computer helmet and turned it on by pressing the power button. Mu Fan's vision darkened, and a familiar scenery unfolded before his eyes. 

"Dear 'Lord Egg', do you wish to proceed into the PO Battle Network?"

"Yes, wait. Is there an option to change my ID?"

"Sorry, Player Lord Egg doesn't have the authorization to change the ID."

Darn Black, Mu Fan thought. Whatever, I'll enter first.

The mist disappeared, and Mu Fan was back at where he got offline yesterday. It was crowded as always since it wasn't just the players from one planet, and it would always be populated during any time of the day.

He stood still and watched the vehicles drive past him on the wide road. Busy traffic, honking, and the noisy crowds were non-existent in this virtual world. All sorts of levitation vehicles, including many of those that he didn't even know the name of, came and went in order. 

Mu Fan was indulged in this virtual world as it was like a paradise; it was no wonder people enjoyed it here so much.

A variety of stores lined up on both sides of the road, such as 'Mech Maintenance Shop, 'Mech Accessories Shop', 'Underground Trades Center' and etc. All of which made Mu Fan's heart itch.

Is it because there's something on my mind? I feel like there's something I need to do today that I missed. Mu Fan pondered for a while and concluded that it was probably because of Man Kun's incident. Since there was still an unfinished business, his mind wasn't clear.

If Jereff makes it, then I'll go.

If Jereff couldn't make it, I'll still go.

Eh, it is this simple and direct. Mu Fan suddenly figured it out. And then? To fight the Gladiator of course!!!

Dying twice is intolerable! Mu Fan took how direct he died yesterday to heart. What did Black do? I was able to use less than 70% of my strength. I finally got used to the PO Battle Network a little. I will fight again today! I will take care of the rest when Harry gets here.

Mu Fan was a decisive person. He quickly walked towards the nearest teleportation portal!

He stepped into the ring of light and selected his destination - Base Training Camp 341!

Meanwhile, in a super optical computer database on a faraway planet, an algorithm finally passed through the logic selection after self-perfecting over the span of more than ten hours. 

It was the branch database of the PO Battle Network! 

A streak of data formed, and then a few waves flashed across the monitor screen and disappeared. Coincidentally, the staffs weren't in front of the screen.

The branch database of the PO Battle Network responsible for handling Base Training Camp 341 was divided into two within the network, and then the two combined into one again. The mystery lied within the metal door that players needed to access this place.

Many players in the Base Training Camp 341 experienced a black screen for a short moment before recovering.

Meanwhile, Mu Fan was in the corridor of Base Training Camp 341 with that familiar metal rotating door at the end of it. The countdown screen beside it was zero already, and the background lit up with green light. 

"Rookie 'Lord Egg', this is your Base Training Camp 341."

Mu Fan didn't notice the extra word in the System's notification.

"Please choose your training program: 1. Individual Combat Training; 2. Mech Operation Training." 

"Individual Combat Training." 

The metal rotating door opened, and the corridor disappeared in sight.