Big News

"Which tailor shop are you from?" The man seemed like he wanted to impress the lady beside him, so he looked down at Mu Fan and asked. 

Mu Fan ignored his questions, and that man felt disrespected as he raised his voice. "I'm asking you a question!" 

Mu Fan didn't want to bother with this guy, so he raised his eyelids and said, "Yi Zhi Sha Tailor Shop!" 

He supposed that he didn't lie since that was where his suit came from.

"Yi Zhi Sha?" The couple was quite confused. The tailor shop that could make it into the Fuwen Corporation's banquet must be a high-end shop. Did a new high-end shop recently open in the district that we don't know about. 

The man felt a bit embarrassed, so he coughed, pretending to know what Mu Fan was talking about. "Oh, that Yi Zhi Sha. You can head inside then." 

He didn't notice that under the dim light, his partner also had the exact same expressions as him, pretending to have heard of the name while looking a bit embarrassed. 

Mu Fan nodded as he continued to walk forward with confidence in his eyes and a straightened back, ignoring the chit-chat behind him. 

"Ms. Angs, may I have the honor of inviting you to shop at Yi Zhi Sha's tomorrow?"

"Of course, I'll be looking forward to it." 


"Hahahahaha, I'm going to die from laughter! The people here certainly have some level of mindset out here; I hope you're not going to reach that level under their influence." It seemed like Black had been left alone for too long in the network these days; it had become quite unrestrained with the sarcasm today. 

"I know you're here even if you don't talk." Mu Fan minimized his lip movements, trying to control the volume of his voice. 

"But I will feel all alone if I don't talk." Black's tone suddenly sounded lonely. "Did you know that the life of an artificial intelligence is quite lonely?" 

Of course, Mu Fan had no idea that Black had browsed through all the entertainment news on every planet that was within a few light years, and it could easily tell him the color of an actress' high heels on whichever date when she had a show.

"No, I did not," Mu Fan answered honestly. It was enough to listen to the one-third of what Black had to say. The mischievous Black, the unreliable Black, the talkaholic Black… He wondered how many adjectives he could up in the future to describe Black. 

"Alright, I feel like you don't believe me anyways." Black suddenly pulled back the tone of vicissitude and was back to his usual tone as he continued saying, "Pretending to be knowledgeable but lonely doesn't suit me. These people are the targets of cyber bullies in the forum. Also, they could only survive for, at most, two episodes in TV dramas." 

Mu Fan almost tripped after hearing Black's words.

"Mu Fan, if you have a chance in the future, dig out my previous carrier from the ground. I want to fly! I want to spin around in real life. It's boring now that I can only exist in the virtual reality world." Black said casually; it missed its image as that perfectly sculpted metal ball in the PO Battle Network; that appearance was perfect with perfect streamlines! 

"Okay!' Black thought that Mu Fan was going to go against its words, but Mu Fan agreed instead.

Black was touched by Mu Fan's promise and decided that it was going to be nicer to him in the PO Battle Network later. It stopped trying to argue with Mu Fan on everything and sounded serious as it said, "Mu Fan, I've already hacked into this manor's network." 

Finally doing something useful. Mu Fan was getting use to Black's jumpy thought patterns and asked, "What about it?"

"You're aware of what day it is in the UGF calendar, right?" 

"Not really." There was no reason for Mu Fan to take notice of this. 

"What day is the UGF enrolment exam?" Black threw back the killer question instead of giving the obvious answer. 

"June 10th." Mu Fan replied without hesitation.

"Mhm, and how many days until then?"

"Nine days," Mu Fan answered without a doubt.

"Look how smart I am~ tsk tsk." Black praised itself with every chance it had. Then, it told Mu Fan, "When I hacked into Planet Loga's government network, I noticed something quite interesting. There were some confidential clips from the military network, but those people were quite cautious, and only half of the clips were viewable. They probably delivered the other halves in another secret way in real life. However, unfortunately for them, Lord Black is here, and I was able to collect the most comprehensive information based on the network data of Planet Loga."

"What is it?" With the night sky as a disguise and the ordinary clothing that Mu Fan had, he lowered his head as he headed towards the empty area on the grass.

"June 2nd!" Black sounded proud of the answer. "It's probably got something to do with Broken Axe. According to the calculations based on the database, there's a 72.9% chance that Broken Axe has been in contact with the administrative personnel on Planet Loga. There were data streaks from both the government and the military appearing at the same time, and they all point at the same date in the future. I've looked into the government's daily records and noticed that there is nothing planned for tomorrow, June 2nd. It is a strange phenomenon compared to the records in the past five years. The probability for which this is an abnormal situation is 92.7%. Taking into account the issue with Broken Axe, the final probability would lead us to 72.9%." 

Mu Fan's frowned, and his lips opened slightly. His voice got transmitted through the bone conduction earphone. "June 2nd, Broken Axe?" 

"Correct! I, Lord Black, have seen through everything, and something big is definitely going to happen tomorrow on Planet Loga." Black felt proud of Mu Fan's answer, thinking that its host finally got smarter. It added, "There is a hidden military warehouse located at the northwest section of District 2. They have three RX-16, five RX-25, and two RX-33. The distance from where you are to the warehouse is 4.7KM, and it's hidden inside a small hill. I can effectively block off the military signals, so…" 

"So, let's get moving tomorrow!" Mu Fan clenched his fist and smashed downward. The day was here; he wondered why he felt an excitement in his blood that was coming deep down from his brain. 

The first step to achieve his dream was to start here! 

Black went quiet, which was a rare thing. It thought that it had expected too much from Mu Fan, and the current limit of his brain capacity was reached. The key point was that this information lied within the government network showed was that there was a mole inside the government, and the identity of the mole remained unclear. Yet, its hot-blooded host only wanted to fight… Forget it, I'll just arrange everything.

"Dear guests, the night banquet is about to begin. Please return to your seats in a timely manner. This is Wayne; thank you for your attendance tonight." A magnetic male voice was broadcasted inside the Mountain Villa. Mu Fan only noticed that it was ten minutes to six o'clock when he heard the announcement. 

"Head in first. Don't worry; I'll always be here." Black's voice sounded again, and Mu Fan nodded as he tidied up his clothes and walked towards the entrance. 

The security guards noticed that this young man was nodding to them as he walked by, and they promptly bowed back as they knew that the guests tonight were from rich or aristocratic families. He must be a young master from a family; his presence is unique, and he is polite.

Em? Why does this young master look a bit weird? It was hard to describe, but it wasn't only one security guard who thought that there was something about Mu Fan's outfit that seemed slightly off from everybody else's.

Many guests were heading back to the banquet hall after Family Master Wayne's broadcast, and Mu Fan paced slowly behind them as he sent Chubby Harry a message. "I'm here, but I'll look around first." 

Mu Fan thought that Chubby Harry was probably busy right now and didn't want to disturb him.

Mu Fan followed the crowd through two arched wooden gates and entered the banquet hall. He was immediately embraced by a luxurious atmosphere with two gilded pillars holding up the roof and dividing the hall into two levels. The red carpet extended all the way from the entrance to the second floor, and countless servants moved across the hall, providing drinks to guests. 

Under the luminescent yet warm lighting, the reflections of the jewelry worn by the ladies created a sea of bling. Meanwhile, the gentlemen were as how Mu Fan had seen before in their wrinkleless suits. They were either rich or noble.

The first floor of the hall was quite crowded, and the music was equally as loud as the guests gathered in groups and chattered in quiet voices. 

Chubby Harry seemed to be really busy as he still didn't reply to Mu Fan's message. 

Em? What's this smell? Mu Fan wrinkled his nose as he suddenly smelled a pleasant scent. It smelled sweet like cream and sponge cake with some refreshing scent of fruits. 

Growl! Mu Fan's stomach growled in hunger as he looked in the direction of where the scent came from.