I Just Came Here To Eat

Mu Fan didn't notice that people were looking at him.

There were about three to four hundred people in the banquet hall, which made it difficult to notice just one person, but Mu Fan had succeeded in doing so.

Mu Fan's earphone was finally quiet as Black wasn't saying anything. As a mystical A.I. life form, it didn't have the concept of being shameless. But it was monitoring Mu Fan through the security cameras, and it noticed that more than a dozen guests were watching Mu Fan as he stuffed himself away. There was even a trend that more and more people were going to notice him since the pile of empty plates on his right-hand side was growing by two plates per minute. However, Mu Fan was still stuffing food into his mouth without knowing the attention that he was attracting. 

The six plates of butter bread were already gone, and he was staring at the sponge cakes. He was still chewing on the butter bread in his mouth, leaving no space for the sponge cakes, but he somehow managed to squeeze a piece in. The guests who saw this scene were shocked by his actions. 

Black wanted to simulate the emotions of Mu Fan so that it could experience his mental state. However, when it entered the parameters into the system, the simulation program collapsed at 60% simulation. Clearly, its host's shamelessness could not be simulated.

As a great A.I. life from a parallel universe, it was Black's first time to develop 'admiration' for its host. At the same time, in the PO Battle Network, the silver ball which represented Black's virtual avatar was firing bullets in a supersonic state in the underground training room of Base Camp 341. 

"So shameless, embarrassing Lord Black!"

"It's so shameless that he is degrading an A.I.!"

"I want to vent my frustration." 

A pair of green eyes swayed with Black's trajectory in the dark night, and the short metal stuff swung out from time to time, making Black move even faster. 

"Having something to eat is such a great happiness, I miss my life when I was still alive," a deep voice spoke with vicissitude, but this person didn't slow down his hand movements.

"Don't get involved; I can't believe that you're speaking for him! You don't even feel hunger anymore, so what can you even eat!" Black was angry that its only comrade wasn't on the same page as it.

"You don't understand." The Gladiator licked his lips as the green light in his hands brightened. Black suddenly sped up under double the impact force, and it even left afterimages in the air. 

"You — old — man!" Black's three simple words took three seconds to say...

How many plates have I eaten? Which plate is this? I can't remember.

Mu Fan picked up another plate of frost melon and stuffed them into his mouth. The previous sponge cake in line was finally squeezed into his stomach.

Em? This fruit tastes as good as pineapples. Mu Fan saw the label on the side of the table - Frost melon. He quickly memorized the name of this fruit.

Mu Fan wanted to sneer, but he couldn't with all the food in his mouth, so he gave up and squinted his eyes together in comfort. When Mu Fan momentarily stopped moving, he suddenly noticed that the guests had surrounded him in a circle, watching him. Their eyes weren't staring at the desserts but rather at his mouth and the 20 plates beside him. 

Have I been caught for eating too much? Didn't they say to enjoy as much as I want to? I also heard Harry's father's speech.

Then, it must be that I've taken their food. Mu Fan pouted his lips as he reluctantly moved his gaze away from the Black Forest cake and was about to leave the table. 

He turned back and stared eyes to eyes with a row of people who had a dull look on their faces.

With his eyes wide open, Chubby Harry was standing beside a pale-looking teenager who was thin and tall. Both of them were starting at Mu Fan as if they saw an alien beast. 

Gulp! Everyone facing Mu Fan swallowed their saliva at the same time. 

Mu Fan also swallowed quietly, and he wondered what he had done wrong. Something is wrong since so many people are looking at me. Didn't they say that we can eat as much as we want? Why are they going back on their words? Are we not friends?

Mu Fan looked at Chubby Harry with anger, yes, the poor Chubby Harry. It was because this banquet was hosted by Harry's family and Chubby Harry was staring back at him as well. 

Harry's lips moved as he was just about to speak, but then someone talked before him. The voice was full of surprises as he asked, "Isn't this… Isn't he the tailor from Yi Zhi Sha?"

Em? Chubby Harry was lost. When did Mu Fan become a tailor? No wait, this suit is not the one I prepared for Mu Fan; this does look like a uniform of a tailor shop. 

Connor spoke up and clapped his hands as he glanced at the girls who were walking closer from not far away. He then intentionally raised his voice as he said, "Fatty, so it's true that anybody can come to your family banquet, eh?"

This time, even those who didn't make a comment before had an unpleasant expression as they felt that no matter how low their statuses were, at least they belonged to the same level. Yet, with this tailor devouring everything away, it had truly degraded the level of this banquet. 

One of the girls who walked over also stared at Mu Fan with surprise as she asked, "Haven't I seen you before? A tailor from Yi Zhi Sha? How come you're here?"

Mu Fan turned around and saw that it was the couple from the second gate from a while ago. Now, they were staring at him with the same look, and the honest Mu Fan felt a bit embarrassed remembering the lie that he had told them. 

He scratched his head and called out. "Harry." 

Everyone turned their curious gazes and focused on Chubby Harry's face as they wondered if he was Chubby Harry's tailor?

With sweat running down his face, Chubby Harry finally got the chance to speak, and he felt like a herd of a cow had run over him during this period.

If you are here, then tell me ahead of time. Now, I'm going to be laughed at by these people. This is done! Mu Fan is going to see my timid side.

Connor zapped his mouth and patted hard on Chubby Harry's shoulder as he praised with sarcasm, "Fatty, I didn't know that your tailor could eat more than you. Similar people do hang around each other. It seems like that we will have to draw a line between you and the rest of us. Our status can't be degraded by foodies like you."

He smiled and said his last words to the people around him, and they agreed. 

Damn it. Chubby Harry clenched his fists as his face flushed red. However, it wasn't because he was mocked since he was used to this already. Rather, it was because they mocked the only friend he had, and he couldn't handle that. 

"This is Mu Fan! My good friend and not a tailor! Stop surrounding him, will you?" Chubby Harry gathered up his courage and said loudly to the group of people. 

The commotion here had attracted the attention of many people in the area, and now the whispers from time to time made the teenagers notice. Connor, who was afraid that he wasn't in the center of the attention, was surprised and clapped. He became more arrogant now. Wayne wasn't here, so he didn't have to give anyone face.

"Oh? Our fatty dares to speak up now." 

"Yo, fatty. I can't believe you have friends! Hahaha," Fredmin said with his squinted eyes filled with mockery since Chubby Harry wouldn't be called fatty if he had some pride. 

"Fatty, so how come your friend is wearing the employee uniform of a tailor shop? You didn't offer him a suit? And you call yourself his friend? Hey kid, Fatty is so rich, but he didn't have the money to offer you a suit. I wouldn't take his words seriously if I were you, hahahaha," a teenager in a purple dress-shirt said as he turned around and smiled at Mu Fan. 

"What are you doing here?" Connor stopped smiling and raised his chin, waiting for Mu Fan to answer. 

Mu Fan's gaze turned slightly and saw the redness on chubby Harry's face as the latter tried to defend him. He put away the expression on his face and said calmly, "Nothing much."

Without waiting for the others to question him further, he slightly raised his head and half-squinted his eyes before slowly saying to the pale-looking and tall teenager in front of him.

"I just came here to eat."