(Congratulations to the new helmsman "Illusion God Tempest")
One of the four who descended from the tracked fighting vehicle was a hot blonde woman in a skintight combat leather suit, her perfect figure catching the eye of many recruits.
"Tracy, you really have a strong appeal to those greenhorns!"
Bearded and a slightly shorter man both laughed.
This time she wasn't carrying her heavy sniper, but a spinning silver-white pistol appeared in her hand instantly.
"Deer, I really want to shove this Ibert pistol into your mouth someday and shoot all the bullets out."
"You deserve to be called Black Widow." The teasing man quickly raised his hands indicating to keep quiet.
The Hunting Tiger Team had received notice yesterday that the new recruits would undergo fighting training at Yanli Arena today.
It was strange, that arena was rarely opened, often only used for combat competitions by the war zone.