chapter 8 I am the queen

Now was my chance! I sneaked up close to the teacher and shyly asked her:"Could I be the actor of the queen?" and then she answered me with a question:"Can you manage that big role? You are always so quiet." and then I nodded without saying a word. She tought for a moment and then srhudded her shoulders. "Then it's settled, Bella will be acting the queen of fairies. Now next on the list..." and so on she kept speaking.

Yes! I have been victorious and gained one of the main roles. Funny how on the outside people see me as a quiet and shy person, when in the insides of my mind I am such a wild and dramatic entity. Or am I?

Now lets see what her, or my, most impactfull line is. 'I am a magical being that is above the normal everyday life, I AM THE QUEEN!'. Yup that definetly is going to make the audience notice me. How wonderfull it is that I got it so easily? Very!

Our teacher says:"Only few minor roles lack an actor, but we can ask those who weren't here today for those during next drama class. This one is ending, so you may leave now.". Within 40 seconds everyone has escaped and it is only the teacher and I left. "So Bella now is your last change to refuse the role if you are not sure that you are up to it.": she says and I quietly reply:"Im sure". She is a bit shook first, but then smiles and nods her head:"It is good that you are coming out of your shell and trying new things.".

She is rather encouraging teacher now that I think of it.

Last subject of the day is music. Our music teacher divides us into two groups, where we must practise playing some song of our choice as a band. I don't recognize the song that our group has, but I still try to go along with it. I play the bass. Others think that I don't have talent in music, because I don't play the right notes on time. At least I myself like the sounds that I make.

Finally it ends! I skipeti skip till home.

At home I eat some lunch and listen to the subliminals on my playlist. When i'm about to put a big forkfull to my mouth, my grumpy sister enters the house. I abandon my food and run to her:"Hey guess what!" and she for once is in a good mood and asks while smiling:"what?". "I got the role of a queen!":I tell her, but she only replies:"good for you.". A moment of silence. ... "Don't you get it? I am gonna be the queen like you were!":I explain. "Okay then":She says while walking into her room. 'What a uninterested sister I have' I think to myself and return to eat.

I will show her what a superior queen I can be!

After eating I walk in front of my mirror and observe my looks. Now I remember! I planned earlier a system to give points to peoples appearances. Many things seem to affect ones looks, but in very subtle way. For example: tired person vs one that has slept well, clean hair vs dirty hair or person on a happy mood vs one on grumpy mood. Those small changes couldn't give more than 10 points of difference. If I were to write down peoples beauty points of morning and evening for a week and then counting their average value, I could get pretty solid idea of how beautifull they usually are. How much can persons average value of looks change troughout a year? How about two years? Or even a decade?