Drama class ends and we go on a long break.
While I am reading my lines by myself during this break, I am interrupted. "We are in the same scenes, so can we practice our lines together for a bit?": Eliah asks. I am frozen for a moment over the shock. I regain my senses and nod my head:"Ms".
Ah I am so shy! I didn't get the 'yeas' out of my mouth properly. He still sits next to me on the floor.
Such a nice guy!
"So are you ready to start? Take your time.": he says.
I straighten my back and take a deep breath and with mighty and surprised, yet queen like voice I say:" Is that an angel I am seeing?". He seems a bit surprised by the change in my voice and I continue:"Are you as smart as you're beautifull?". Eliah says his lines with passion:"If I can get out of this forest, I am smart enough!".
"Oh don't leave! Stay here with me!" he turns his charismatic face at me:"Why would I bother staying here?". "I will let my fairies serve you.":I answer. "Fairies? Who are you really?" and then I get up and say with powerfull yet lady like voice:"I am a magical being that is above normal everyday life, I am the queen!"
Eliah also gets up and starts clapping. Then two girls from our class, who happen to be standing close by take their hands and clap too. "You are actually really good at acting Bella!": Eliah says. One of the girls named Ordelia also agrees:" Yeah!" with a nod.
"It was fun practising with you, but I gotta go meet up with the school curator now. Bye!": Eliah exclaimed before skipping away.
Seriously that guy walks in very funny looking way.
I am feeling so happy right now. I can't help but have a huge grin on my face. This moment feels so surreal! I have never done anything awkward like this and gained such a positive feedback before. I think I really like acting now.
I can't really focus on things that happen during rest of the day, because my mind still wanders around that joyfull moment. Yet still I somehow just go trough everything and even end up home.
I am eating my evening piece while still grinning. My sister then walks into the room and asks:"Why are you on so good mood today?". I think for a moment what to say and when I am about to answer she interrupts:"Nevermind, I don't care afterall.". She goes away to eat her salty snacks.
That cursed sister of mine doesn't even bother to hear answer to a question she herself asked! Oh well, well oh... I guess it's time to check my points of beauty for the day.
I walk in front of my mirror. Somehow I feel really beautiful right now. Is it because I am on so good of a mood right now? This makes me remember that beauty isn't always in the person themself, but in the eye of the beholder. Plenty of things can affect the way people see me, for example; their mood, culture and beliefs.
I wish to become so beautiful that people will acknowledge my superiority no matter the mood!
I take my pen and mark 49 points down on my notebook. Maybe I'm overestimating myself afterall... Should I change it to 46? No no no. It shall do as the way it is! Even if my brilliant mind is in a mess, I shall still trust in my judgement.
Oh no it's getting late already. Clock is nearly 20.00!
I should go early to sleep, because sleeping is such a good thing for my health and healthy people look better than sick ones.
I am laying on my bed peacefully, but I just can't fall a sleep. I still keep thinking of that fun moment I had with Eliah today. And even Ordelia clapped for me! I might really have talent in acting.
Oh curses! It would have been so much more dramatic if this was revealed on the day of our play. If I knew earlier I would have acted as if I was regular shy amateur actor which I still actually am.
Will I get to practice with Eliah again tomorrow?
I certainly hope so!