Week 53

Week 53:

Currently I am running at my top speed towards a certain location the beasts had found out about, on the other side of this planet. It was a huge planet to be frank, 108,000 kilometers in radius. I knew the exact value because of one of the numerous beasts in the item were a mole of sorts.

They dig pretty well and live underground for their whole life. I found/killed one of them as I was trying to see how much damage I can do if I hit the ground. So they were technically casualty.

They dug in a straight line and reached the core of this planet and now are creating complicated tunnels from the core to the crust so that I can destroy the physical aspect of this world, without wasting too much time as the tunnels will help me create a chain reaction that will collapse the world. I don't know how long they will take but I can wait.

For the past week or so I have been learning all that I can from the most complicated runes to what type of minerals do different types of plant require to grow. Yesterday, I received an interesting piece of information. My monsters were disappearing in a particular place.

There were many places which were in a 'separate space' according to our friendly guide hydra. These 'separate space' are in a 'fold' of space or sometimes in between 2 or more 'folds'. The place I am heading to is one of these spaces. Though most of these places are handled by the beasts, this one is quite peculiar. None of the beasts have been able to enter in there and make it out alive.

It was a blessing for me. I being the lazy person it was hell for me to learn, however I had nothing to do. In the end my boredom won against my laziness, and I went on to learn many different things (albeit unwillingly). The blessing came in and now I am going to the location, where my monsters were disappearing, looking for a fight and hopefully a few levels.

I ran into nothing.

Nothing at all, everything was destroyed, razed to the ground. No signs of life or movement. All that was on the surface of this planet was acquired (By destroying it). All that was left was the 'separate spaces' and the underground but in there were mostly minerals, ores, and other earthly stuff.

I have been running for a day or so when I encounter a phoenix. That was the bird that had been stationed near the special 'separate space' to guide me. It noticed me and chirped, flying and sitting on my shoulder. I understood her intentions and sent it back.

It was afraid, afraid of the blood red gate in the distance. I knew that this was where I would find new entertainment.

I walked leisurely towards the gate and called out my stats,

Name: Mr. Traveller

HP: 23,000

HP regen: 14.5% per second

Level: 10

Progress till next level: 0%

PD: 100 + (A Lot)

MD: 100 + (A Lot)

AR: 50

MR: 50

AS: 2 hit per second

MS: 450 steps per minute

{A/N; I can't come up with a fixed value of the stacks because I want my MC to be broken. Again this novel isn't about how he reached the top but how what will he do after he reached it and how is he going to use those powers}

"Buy all the original items back" I command the system as I wasn't sure what I would encounter in there. I am a broken character but my puny armor and MR was disturbing to all. What if I get one shot? , at least I could heal back by doing damage and move away fast. I left lighter and faster as 4 different runes lit up on my arm.

I slowly approach the gate and found it funny. The gate overwhelms senses of everyone around by releasing its blood aura of sorts. I find this fact funny because I had the blood on an entire planet on me. I touch the gate, fascinating about a new challenge