
Chapter 2

Present time


Hi, my name is Detective Johnson and I am famous! Even though I'm a famous detective, that does not mean that I'm that skilled in my job. But, I'm very skilled in another field. In all honesty, I commit murders and of those murders, people end up calling me to solve who the murderer was. But of course, because I committed the murder, I have to accuse someone else of doing it. It's so much work though because I have to make fake evidence for the person I'm accusing, and that is just so much work. But I have to do this because I have a dream, my dream is to be the best unknown murderer in the world. But, if someone ended up learning about my secret I would have to kill them. Well anyway, I'm going to my office right now because my boss told me that there is something amazing waiting for me today at my office. I finally arrived at my office at 5:30 pm. I was so excited because usually when my boss calls me and tells me to go to my office, there is something amazing waiting for me like $1,000 or a brand new car. I'm just too good at my job so it's no surprise why the boss loves to give me such amazing gifts. So I went to my office door ready for my amazing surprise. I put my hands on the cold handle and turned it, then I opened the door. The first thing I noticed though when I opened the door was a man looking through my desk. When I saw him, I punched him right in his stomach. He fell on the ground and he was gasping for air. My boss came running into my office and looked at the man on the ground and yelled at me "why did you punch him?"

"what do you mean why he was stealing my stuff!"

"No, he wasn't he was just looking around his new office,"

"what do you mean new office are you firing me,"

"no, he's your new partner." When he said that my dreams came crashing down, with a partner I can't really do much planning on how to murder people as much as I want. If I tried to think of a way to murder someone here I will surely get caught. And if I tried to kill this guy it would look suspicious. So I guess I have to do this at home. I looked down at my new partner which I just knocked out looked at my boss who was angry and his face was getting super red like a tomato and then I said with a smile on my face "hope we can work great together." Today was such a long day my boss has forced us to get to know each other since will be working together from now on. Finally, I could go home. But then something completely unexpected happened, when I got home the house next to mine that no one lived in for some time someone finally bought the place. But there has to be some type of mistake, my new neighbor, was my new partner Jerry. He saw me looking at him through the window when he started getting closer to my house then he rang the doorbell. He already saw me here so there is no way for me to deny that I'm here. So I forced myself to open the door with a big smile on my face. I opened the door then I said: "Hey there Jerry didn't know you were the person who bought that house."

"Yeah for some reason that house was really cheap so yeah I bought." I already know the reason why the price for that house is so low and not just that house all these houses too. It is because of me I was just starting out my career as a murderer and detective. So because I was just beginning my time as a detective/murderer I had almost no money to spend. So to make things cheaper I went to a street that was full of houses that were cheap but, still too much for me. So to get ready for my future as a murder I used these houses as practice. I killed all the people that lived on that street. After all that I waited some time before buying the houses. For two reasons one is because I needed them to lower the price and because it would be pretty suspicious if someone just came here after a bunch of murders. But, it's not like it was all fun and games there was this one person who was incredibly annoying to deal with. His name was Ted he was an 81-year-old man I was expecting him to be the easiest one, I was very wrong.