
Chapter 5

(four months later)

So, time passed and finally, four months had passed, and I had all the things needed for this plan. But throughout the four months, I was never able to get any information on Jerry's family which is a little suspicious, but it doesn't really matter since I'm not trying to kill his family or anything. In the end, there is nothing that can ruin today. Since I can finally kill Jerry. I mean during the whole four months I spent with Jerry, I have just been more, and more aggravated with every amount of time spent with him, I can't wait to get rid of him. Anyway according to my plan Garry should have called the office about a murderer who might still be nearby and the boss should be calling me in three, two, one, "ring, ring" perfect timing. "Hello boss what's going on."

"Hey there Johnson, I need you and Jerry to go to the outskirts of the town where that one house is located at, there was a murder there and there is a slight chance that the murderer is still there,"

"all right got it will be over there soon,"

"all right goodbye,"

"bye." So, I went to go pick up Jerry it was hard trying to suppress my smile. After I picked up Jerry I sped up more so we could make it to the house faster. We didn't talk the whole way because I just didn't want to hear his voice. So we finally made it to the house. I knocked on the door so I could give Garry the signal to get ready. After about a minute the door finally opened, but there was no one behind the door so I just entered. "Wait what are you doing,"

my job, even if there is no one here we still need to do our job and look for that body,"

"your right this is our job so let's go." So, we entered the house and looked around the first floor for the body, but we didn't find anything. So, we checked upstairs, I took Jerry to the place that Garry was waiting. What should have happened when I opened the door, is that Garry would have come out then shoot Jerry, leave the gun, and then run away. But instead, I was met with a gun pointed at my head. "What is the meaning of this" then Garry said "shut up were gonna kill you,"

" why are you gonna kill me? After I saved you from the streets, I gave you a home, food, and a good life until you were able to take care of yourself."

"I don't care about any of that, Jerry here offered to give me 1 million dollars if I helped him out, and with this amount of money I can live in luxury forever!"

"But Jerry, how did you even know about Garry[a]"

"[b]you don't need to know that, anyway it's time for you to die goodbye,"

"you're right it is time to die, time for all of us to die, I'm glad I did this to make sure everything went smoothly." So I took a small remote with a giant red button on it and pressed "what did you just do you!"

"wait, shush do you hear that?"

"hear wh-*beep beep*, "

"oh no, it's a bo-*boom push boom*." As my life flashed before my eyes I realized something, I kinda wasted my life first off I have no children, wife, or even a girlfriend, and maybe it would have been better if I wasn't a completely unknown murderer, I left nothing in this world to be remembered. Well it's too late for me now, well goodbye cruel world *boom pluhhhh boom*


Well even though my son wasn't able to survive at least that annoying Johnson is gone. I already knew that he killed his 86 partners, but of course, I couldn't do anything about this since I didn't have enough evidence. Every time a new partner ended up missing or dead I had to pay their families, it cost me a fortune. Well at least Johnson took care of himself "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *beep beep* what!"

(news story)

Today around 8 pm the boss of a famous detective agency was caught in a car crash, he was quickly brought to the hospital, but sadly he did not make.

The end