
One way in which life was different from what it had been on the slums, the days just seemed to blend together now. There was nothing really distinguishing them from each other anymore. I woke, I ate, I studied, I ate, I studied, I slept. And all that went by in less than 24 hours, so I knew I couldn't rely on this to tell me when I was. There weren't any windows in the military academy section of the school. They said it was to avoid distractions. We were on the 5th floor of the Citadel main building. I guess such distractions were the sun, or moon perhaps considering the anonymity of my schedule.

The more time I spent here, the more I started remembering the slums, as thought it was slowly coming back to me. Every time I woke up, I thought of maybe Reek, Riu, Ladle, all of them. The more time I spent here, the more that the sense of luck I had began dimming. I started noticing the other kids more. Maybe I was just becoming more aware of it or they were stepping up their aggressiveness, but they were getting bolder. Before, they'd just kept their distance. They feared us. Maybe we didn't do enough to live up to their expectations of us, but soon enough, they started murmuring insults under their breath in passing. Later, they would say it out loud. It didn't so much as bother me as it pissed me off that I was allowing myself to let my predetermined reputation die down. It came down to that whole "fear or loved" debate. I guess I preferred the former.

I had been in this school for over 2 months now and things weren't getting better. The students and teachers alike proved for once creative when it came to ways to screw me over. My grades were shit, I lost time in study hall to take excess classes. For all their creativity in fucking with me, it was clear they despised me, but they seemed to fail to consider that the more they fucked me over, the more time I would spend with them. Guess that part eluded them, or they were just making my life as miserable as possible until the inevitable.

It was during lunch, or dinner, or hell, maybe even dinner when I was called up to the principal's office. They even got messengers to deliver the message as though it were some huge formality. I dismissed it at first. It was a few hours later when I saw Danev while passing in the hallways. I was surprised he was awake, and even on my floor.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked jokingly. "I thought we were beneath you."

"Literally and rhetorically."

"Rhetorically? You just learn that word today?"

"Screw off." He said, chuckling. "I'm supposed to ask one of the fighting instructor's down here for extra equipment. We broke one of our training dummies."

"How do you break a training dummy?"

"Who said I broke it?"

"You kind of just did."

"Turns out the kids here nor the equipment here is built for the way we fight on the streets."

"You're actually getting training up there?"

"Yeah. Why? You're not?"

"You kidding me? They're putting me in intensive classes like I'm some sort of idiot. I know they're fucking with me, but I haven't been put in a single combat class yet. Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of letting us inside here if they're not putting us to use?"

"They'll probably take you out of that class soon. I've seen you fight. You're wasted in a classroom."

"Wait a minute. Are you implying something about my intelligence? But now that you mention it, I was called up to the principal's office a few hours ago."

At that, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head. "And a few hours later, you're still standing here. If he wasn't calling you up to throw you back into the slums before, he is now. Get your ass up there before he decides to save the slums the trouble and kills you right here." He left.

I knew he was joking. I wasn't an idiot, but still, that idea of me leaving this place alone was what had delayed me. I figured Danev was right. Waiting would only make it worse.

I finally learned that it was nighttime when I was admitted into his office. It was the first window I had seen in months. I knew it wasn't standard for this place. Most kids went home to their parents after school hours. They slept on an actual schedule and got actual meals. The other ones, orphans like Danev and myself or those with nowhere else to go, well, we got the master treatment. I couldn't help but think it was an experiment of sorts for the Fire Nation. What they hoped to accomplish, I couldn't imagine.

I saw him sitting at his desk. He looked different from Zar'un. Older. Had a look of wisdom to it. I felt a strange sense of comfort wash over me as though something was telling me this wasn't somebody I would have to dodge and weave around. So, I told myself, I would just do what I did best. Charm the shit out of my problems.

"Please" he said. "Sit."

I read the name printed on the small nametag atop his desk. Gaz-di. Combination of an Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation name. Probably colonial. "You like the name tag?" Fuck.

"Just wanted to get to know your name before we began a conversation."

"So, you've been in this school for a little over 3 months now and you still don't know my name?"

"Of course, I do. Sure, I just learned it, but I know now."

He chuckled. "You said you wanted to learn my name before we began a conversation. What kind of conversation are you expecting?"

"Well. More than likely my amazing grades. My top-notch combat training, my above-average intellect, at least something along those lines."

"More or less close enough."

I tried to suppress a laugh at that, but just ended up emitted a completely stupid snort that made me regret taking a sarcastic approach at this discussion.

"You laugh, but I'm not joking. Your teachers hate you, that much is obvious. You're probably wondering why you're being tossed into these bullshit classes after we pulled you off those streets to be a soldier. This isn't the streets and there's a way we have to do things here, dumb as they are. We're forced to throw anybody below the age of 12 into actual classes to get an analysis of their skills and who they are before we put them into combat courses. Your friend Danev was old enough to skip through that though. His training is going well from what I hear despite the complaints from his teachers."

"You don't seem to be complaining much. In fact, you seem rather at odds with these teachers. You falling for us slum-kids already? We tend to have that effect."

"I guess I am. Unlike your brilliant teachers, I'm from the Earth Kingdom. The colonies, yes, but still this continent, though Azulon would disagree. Your teachers have the pleasure of being from the homeland. There tends to be a lack of colonials signing up for the field of education. I proved my worth and here I am, holding power over mainlanders. Nonetheless, you're done with your three-month formality. That bullshit is out of the way. I learned all I needed to know about you while you and Danev were recovering from that slaughter on the streets. I know you're smart. How else could you not only convince the leader of our garrison, but two violent gangs to follow a single plan that would result in mutual success and prosperity. Zar'un told me what you had planned. It was smart, I'll say that."

I wasn't expecting the conversation to turn in this direction. I came in, ready to joke to the end until I was thrown back out onto the streets. It even seemed appealing. Going back. Sure, I might miss the food, water, and beds, but, was it really worse. If I was sent back, I decided I would just leave the city. I knew where the exit was. I knew I could just walk out. Security was shit. But here I was, being complimented for a plan that got all my friends and family killed. "Smart, was it? Even the part where everybody I knew got killed in a gang war in the middle of the street?"

"We heard what happened. Word travels quick on the street and we try to make sure we're caught up to date. Zar'un's new idea of keeping the garrison here in good health. 'Know what the enemy' is planning at all times'."

"So, we're the enemy now?"

"No. You're Fire Nation now. You're one of us now. You're not getting kicked out today despite what you may have come in thinking. In regard to your plan, you couldn't have expected it to go that way. We can't blame you. You're smart. Not just for your age, but for anyone. And you're strong too. You can't survive as long as you have on the streets without being strong. These 3 months are out of the way. I won't bother wasting your time or mine any more with having you locked in that social experiment of the Superintendent. Sadistic is what it is. Locking children in the dark, with no source of knowledge save the teachers to program nice, young, strong, and obedient soldiers for the Fire Nation. We're moving you up to your friend's level. You'll pack your bags and move up to the 7th floor with the upper classmen. You'll receive combat training in melee and archery. You'll be put into a military strategy course as well. The rest will be PT"

No. "Upper classmen? You mean teenagers. There's a small difference between the kids my age and the teenagers. The kids, they snigger and sneer and curse me out, but that's as far as it goes. Teenagers, bigger and worse, you're asking for trouble."

"Would you rather be stuck on the 5th floor in absolute darkness, learning crap all day long?"

I came here, expecting to be thrown out. Expecting to go back home. I didn't say anything however. I wasn't going to get myself thrown out. I wouldn't say the words. I came here, expecting fate to have done that for me already, but here I was, being fucking promoted. I lowered my head and shook it in refusal. I wouldn't go back to the bullshit I had suffered in the last 3 months. It would be hell up there, but at least I would be reminded of why I was here in the first place.

"Then gather your things. You start learning how to be a soldier tomorrow."