
I heard the flap to my tent open and turned around, expecting somebody else only to see it was Gan, again, for the seventh time this week, still favoring his right leg. For Raava's sake, when will he just collapse to the ground and give up? And where were my soldiers to announce him? "My soldiers should have announced you. And you failed to salute"

Gan slowly raised his arm to his forehead, doing a quick salute and returning his army slowly to his side, giving me a stare I didn't much appreciate "They weren't on duty. Guess they can't all be as diligent as Unit 350."

"So, your unit's returned."

"Our unit's returned." He repeated, taking a rather smug, insubordinate look to his face. How would I describe an insubordinate look, I don't know, but he wasn't holding himself back from making an example of one.

"Then why are you still here?"

"Waiting for orders sir. I was thinking something more reasonable this time. Oh, I don't know. How about you have us scale the walls and lay siege to the palace. Or better yet, have us lure the Earth Kingdom army to the palace, fight them 1 to 10,000, and take them all captive so you can interrogate them later, of course, only after securing the Earth King and raising a Fire Nation flag over the palace."

"Do you have a point to make?"

"Very observant of you. I do in face. We need a fucking break."

Piece of shit thinks he can curse at me? "You will speak as befits my rank, soldier."

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir. I was wondering, sir, when you're going, sir, to just get us killed all ready without having to be subtle about it. Sir."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Fuck that. You've been pushing our unit to the brink. You've removed us from our squad and our sending us out on solo runs. Solo runs! Against pockets of Earth Benders."

"And you've managed fine."

"Sir. Meaning no disrespect, you're a fucking idiot."

I turned around from where I was looking at the newly marked map of Ba Sign Se and turned to face the young soldier head on. He was brave for his age in all the wrong ways. For somebody raised in the Military District of Citadel, he had a lot of nerve speaking to a CO in that way. It must be Gi Gu, or that kid, Luke. Born in the Slums. Of course he would cause problems.

"You want a quick death, private Gan?"

"It's sergeant, sir."

"I don't see the rank paldron on, private."

He gave me a look that said he knew what I did, but there was no logical way for him to know. And so what if he did. Would he do anything about it? He was a private, and I was his commanding officer.

"If you want a quick death, then continue at it. I can have you executed by morning."

"Then why don't you?"

So he called the bluff. So what? I could have him imprisoned. Lu Ten wouldn't notice or care. Would he? I can't execute him, but what can I do. Everything failed so far, and I can't outright kill him. Lu Ten would have me on my ass for that. No. Fuck Lu Ten. I'll give this little shit the death he's asking for.

"Because I have something more important in mind for you."

"Oh boy. Can't wait. What is it this time. Want us to put paddles on our tank and battle the Water Tribe navy?"

"No. Get your rest. That's what I ask of you. And be ready, because the artillery starts tomorrow morning along with the Assault of Ba Sing Se and guess who I've recruited to lead the Van?"

"You're insane?"

"No private. Only somebody as insane as you and your unit would volunteer to be a part of the most dangerous part of the assault, but all the same, here you are, volunteering for it. I guess I have no choice but to grant it to you. So congratulations. Get your rest, private. You'll need it. You're dismissed."

"You're sacrificing the siege just to kill 3 kids you have a distaste for?"

"I'm not sacrificing anything. Worst case scenario, your unit is destroyed early. I'll ensure that the rest of the 15th armored keep a wide berth from you to avoid your potential wreckage falling on them when scaling the wall. It really is a brave thing you're doing, and I commend you. If, however, things go wrong, I'm sure we can find somebody to replace you. Well, don't let me keep you from letting that leg recover. You'll need it."

I turned around and waited, not at all focusing on the map, but waiting for him to try. To try and unsheathe his sword and save his own life and those of his crew, but not even he was so stupid. I heard the tent flap close behind me, and he was gone.

I looked at the city and made a note on the battle plans for the wall where I already had the movements laid out. Artillery would rain fire on the wall, clearing the top and weakening the structure. The 15th armored would scale the wall in their tanks and the 22nd infantry would storm through the wall once the 15th armored set the bombs on the other side and blow a chunk out of it. Now, however, the 15th armored had a near commander for the battle. I scribbled out Zand's name and wrote "Gan (Unit 350) right next to it. Congratulations, Gan. You just made my job a hell of a lot easier.