
The town was straight ahead of us. A small, sand brown cooperation of buildings ranging from homes to small motels. Sizeable, yet a unit paling in comparison to the likes of Citadel, yet eerily similar all the same. A sense of similarity that seemed to have trouble finding a place within me between fear and confidence.

"There it is." Said Lu Ten, halting his Komodo Rhino beside mine, a mount that had taken me months to master back at camp.

"There it is." I confirmed.

"You ready for this?" he asked.

I swallowed. Was I? Was this some huge mistake? Did I now sit in front of what would come to be my greatest mistake? I'd made similar mistakes earlier. When I had allied the Hornets with the Fire Nation. I had set my family, everyone I had ever known, down a path of pain and destruction. Into a gang war that would culminate with only two survivors, a mere shadow of what I had intended. Was this just another mistake?

And as I thought these vile thoughts, Lu Ten patted me on the back, saying "And Here I thought we'd have to make the first move. Here they are?"

And coming out of the village, children in the lead, women not far behind, suspicious men leading the rear, the populace of the village came rushing forward.

And as our men dismounted from their mounts, unloading their beasts of burden and distributing food, water, and medical supplies to those who came rushing forward, being met with smiles, tears of joy, and warm embraces, I put those thoughts aside.

No. Back then, I was a killer. I was a ganger. I killed for what I needed. I stole from others. I preyed on the weak to make the strong stronger, but not anymore. I was part of something bigger now.

And so as Lu Ten dismounted, attempting to hold back the tidal wave of children coming to examine his armor, women coming to embrace him, and men coming to give begrudged respect and thanks, I smiled. That old life was behind me. I was somebody else now. Part of something bigger. I didn't prey on the weak anymore. I didn't kill out of selfishness and hatred. I gave to the weak. I protected those unable to protect themselves. That's what being a soldier meant. Nearly a year ago, I resented everybody around me. 6 months ago, it wasn't too different, but now, I saw what it meant to be who I was. And I was proud of it.

I dismounted my rhino, following Lu Ten's moves, and readied myself for the days ahead.