Chapter 17: Home

As if the Creator of the Heavens and Hell knew of the glorious man who had just kissed the world goodbye, He felt deep disconsolation in His heart and wanted to pour it out for the world. Pour out His heart to those who mourned with Him. And this, He did.

Mordecai and Bobby stood beside a hole having numerous large leaves covering its surface. Its surface was also cocooned with the surrounding sand and soil to make the hole look like the ordinary ground. In hope, no one would discover that this hole was nothing other than a grave.

Thanks to the rain, the debris of the destroyed trees and countless forest dirt were washed away through erosion, providing a better view of a typical forest bed. Funnily enough, the two stood motionless, watching as the minor flood washed everything by. Not a single muscle movement. Like their souls had been ripped out of them.

But thankfully, the rain stopped when it was close to sunrise. Yet, they didn't move a muscle. Instead.

'What are we gonna do?' asked Bobby, unwilling to accept this reality.

After pondering deeply Mordecai replied, 'There's is nothing to be done. All we can do is avenge his unjustified death.'

'I barely knew him.' Bobby's words came out slow and gentle. Mordecai kept silent. He was terrorised by a gush of flaming emotions. First, this bastard incapacitated his mother, now they murdered a boy. What more could they do?

He swore...

'I make sure I bathe in their blood. Hang their generation's head to a stake. Destroy them—'

'Don't you get it?! You never end for vengeance! That's why we're here again! Like last time!' Bobby roared at Mordecai's face.

'Last time was different!' Mordecai roared back.

'How Mordecai?! How!!'

At this point, Mordecai covered his face with his hands and began shedding tears. 'I don't know Bobby.' *sobbing* 'All I've ever wanted is to become strong. You guys call me The Bliss. But deep down, I just want to run away from everything.'

Bobby was left speechless. He couldn't say much on how Mordecai felt. All Mordecai wanted was to help his incapacitated mother. After patting Mordecai, Bobby responded, 'We all will. I'm sorry.'

Mordecai slowly regains himself. He wiped the unnecessary tears treading through his face. After all, he was just a fifteen years old boy. He let a friend die and couldn't avenge his mother. Who could tell how much dispair and helplessness he felt in his heart. 'We should head back. We'll come to visit tonight.'

Unknown, Bobby too wiped off his tears. He remembered how Vester came to his rescue, sacrificing everything just because of him. He knew Vester's death wasn't Mordecai's, but his.

'I'm sorry, my friend.' Slowly Bobby touched the surface of the grave as he spoke. Mordecai gently touched Bobby's shoulder and told him they should leave. After that he left first, then Bobby rose in a disenchanted manner and followed Mordecai who ran deep into the forest.

In The Training Ground Of The Ascension Society...

The journey from the outskirts of the First District to the mainland was about three hours for non-Ascension practitioners, but to Ascenders like Bobby and Mordecai, they got to the training ground in less than an hour-long. By that time of the day, students were already getting warmed up for the day's sparring exercises. All of the year's Squires were put in the same training compound as the last year's Squires. So the field was looking lively than ever.

Amongst these young Ascension Practitioners stood the images of Bobby and Mordecai. Partly exhausted after the entire night's patrol. Both their expression seemed like they'd just seen a ghost.

Gazing at the herd of vibrant pupils, Mordecai spoke, 'Bobby, do I need to go over the plan again?'

'I'm not allowed to speak of last night, I understand.'

'Okay.' replied Mordecai while walking ahead of Bobby.

'Mordecai.' Bobby called out softly and Mordecai stopped, glancing over his shoulder.

'You want me to pretend like nothing happened. Mordecai, we killed an innocent boy. How can we live with ourselves.' slowly Bobby uttered every word with fear.

Mordecai was forced to rush back to Bobby and squeeze the collar region of his mail, saying, 'Don't you get. Vester died trying to help us. The only reason we shouldn't be able to live with ourselves is if we forget the main cause of his death.'

Bobby was unable to respond to Mordecai after being held like a chicken. He only smiled painfully and lowered his head.

'Be strong Bobby.'

While Mordecai still gripped Bobby, a loud cheer booked from behind them.

'Yoo! Mordecai!'

Bobby tilted his head not to be obstructed by Mordecai's face and Mordecai slowly looked behind him. When they did, the caller was a boy slightly not of their age. He seemed taller and bigger than them. A different and well-constructed padded mail than theirs. He even had a small cape like a mini-superhero. On his mini cape, the word 'MoonWalker' rippled with the wind.

'I see you've been busy.' he said. Majestically.

Mordecai released Bobby form his grip, patted his mail and walked to the boy who seemed to have his friends behind him. 'Can't a guy have one night in peace.' Mordecai pointed his index finger up as he spoke.

'What? So you ditched us for Bobby now? Uh?

'You don't get to choose who I go out with.' Mordecai answered sternly.

'I would when I become Squad Leader.' the boy asserted.

Mordecai angrily held the boy by his collar, 'In your dreams.'

'If you want a spar roadrunner, I'd be happy to make it official.'

Looking back at Bobby who just stood there, Mordecai recalled the scene earlier today while they journeyed home. He remembered he told Bobby not to act irrationally for any reason. But here he was, trying to pick up a fight. After thinking things through, he pushed the boy back and glared at him, unruffling his hair, he walked out on them. Including Bobby who decided to part ways.

OCCASIONALLY, Mordecai would hang out with his friends and even receive numerous sparring request from other Squires. But today, he neglected all of that. Ignoring all friends and turning down their requests.

He barely got himself after last night. First, the lady who incapacitated his mother was right before him, yet he couldn't do anything. Second, an innocent soul was lost. Who'd have thought things would turn out that way. Walking through an empty cloister, he was oblivious to everything around him. The anger surging in his heart could race up to heaven if it cascaded upside down.

What brought him back was the image of a stationary shadow blocking his path. Slowly taking his head up, he managed to cook up a smile for this person.

Inside The Headmistress' Office –That Same Day...

'I barely knew him.' resting lazily on the iron chair, Mordecai gazed out through the half-opened window.

'Everything and one has a calling. I think your friend answered him.'

An elderly lady carrying her blue permed hair spoke from the other side of the office table. This lady rested her hands on the table and interlocked her palms together. She looked to be in her late 60s but her disposition and wear gave her dignifying respect from others. Behind and beside her laid numerous paper scrolls of different materials and uses. Coupled with her remarkable shinny scale mail.

'It is not a good calling.' Mordecai responded emotionlessly.

'How do you feel about it? This friend of yours who died, why do feel. Guilt?' the lady calmly questioned.

'I feel like I couldn't help him.'

'We can't help everyone. We help those who we can.' she said.

'We pick who we help unknowingly, due to our strength. I'm weak. I only help the weak.' Mordecai sighed after answering.

'Your friend would be proud knowing you, tried to help him.'

'My friend would be proud knowing I tried to avenge him.' Mordecai spoke, gritting his teeth.

'I thought you said he died due to massive riot. The aftermath of two God's fighting.'

'It the same thing. I'll kill the two of 'em.'

The woman replied slowly to Mordecai's unconcerned gaze, 'Revenge is a dangerous path.'

'Facing danger in the face is what distinguishes the weak from the strong. I want to be distinguished. I want to be strong.'

'Being strong isn't all about strength. If you're strong outside but weak in the heart. You're as good as nothing. As those who ascend, we must lay codes to guild us. Going against these codes means going against the very core identity that defines us.' the lady mustered up a warm smile.

Getting ready to reply the woman, Mordecai began to hear disembodied voices of the students outside. He and the lady simultaneously looked over at the door then back at themselves. Inquisitively the two went ahead to know the cause of the riot. When they did, Mordecai wasn't the slightest bit surprised.

Bobby was getting ass-whipped. Again.

Mordecai couldn't blame him. He was upset and angry. So basically, he could take out this anger on anything.

Bobby tried to punch his adversary on the face, but the boy fended the blow with his forearm and immediately sent Bobby twirling around like a dice in motion with his second freehand.

'You never learn, do you, Robert.' the boy mocked. Raising his fist and massaging it. 'You are weak. But you think you're the hero … running helterskelter.'

Crashing in on the surrounding objects after spinning, Bobby fell to his knees and fidgeted the entire period.

Staring at the helpless Bobby kneeling on the ground the boy sighed and spoke, 'Some people are just … meant to be better than others.' after speaking he extended his hand to Bobby's face.

Bobby jerked the boys extended hand and propelled his free fist to the boy's lower jaw.

It was like time slowed down. The boy clearly saw what Bobby was up to. Staring down to his chin with contempt in his eyes, he tilted his head sideways and Bobby's fist passed right beside his ears.

Now the boy was mad. He took his fist up, ready to direct it to Bobby's face. This was the last time. This was the End Game.


The boy, Yuzan, broke through the brick wall at the other side. Clashing into whatever was in contact behind the wall. The scene was too quick for the onlookers, but after the dissipating dust, they saw the unconscious body of Yuzan laying with the remnants of the broken brick wall and another person adjusting his hand after the blow.

'Shut … up.' Mordecai whispered slowly with his jaw high up.