Brief Announcement!

Hello there again readers, I thought I should announce a very important issue bothering the chapters. And me of course.

As many of you can see, all previous chapters before this announcement are well ingrained in numerous grammatical errors. There are reasons for this: as a novice author, I'm the only one who proofread as I do not have any change to spear to professionals. All chapters were supposed to be re-edited again, but I've dispelled that thought.

I've decided to let go of these chapters. I will not edit them so I don't give you all the stress of going back to read.

Another reason for my execrable grammar error is related to just one fact. That is after I write and proofread for about 2 to 3 times, I won't be able to locate any blunder! How surreal is that?! That I can't even locate my own errors.

The last and most annoying reason of all is my phone. I mean god-damn it! 😓😓. It's autocorrected is dreadfully making me insane. >Yes. I come up with my own grammar<. Fact is, I can't do without autocorrect. Excruciatingly dreadful 😢😢, again.

But not to worry! I have a plan!

From now on, I promise to make all the future chapters comforting to read and imagine. With correct grammar usage. In as much as I am a proficient novice. >Yes. I make my own grammar<.

So please hold all your thoughts of crucifying me on a book 🤭😋.

My best regards,

