
Aaron had once seen a strange sight in the jungle.

A Tusked Lion that ruled an area had killed its prey, and begun to feast lazily, as lions were wont to do.

While it was doing so, a Giant Anaconda that was 4 times its size had slithered forward.

It had been on its way to migrate to a place with more food to hunt, and it had come upon the lion on its way.

As soon as it arrived, it expected the lion to give up its prey, as that would be better than entering a fight where both of them might be equally matched.

The Anaconda had its size, but the lion had its tusks, which were famous for ripping through even stone.

Instead of that happening, though, the Lion had continued to eat while ignoring the Anaconda, until it got so infuriated that it carelessly moved to strike after giving in to its anger.

The Tusked Lion had been waiting for this to happen, and it had managed to move even faster to counter-attack, resulting in the Anaconda fleeing with two holes in its body that oozed blood.

Aaron had tried the same tactic here. Powerful individuals would always get infuriated if they felt that their power wasn't being respected, and when he saw the aggressive body language of the man when he noticed the oil and spices they had rubbed onto their mouths before coming, he knew that it had worked.

Well, that made it simpler.

He always had a knack of making multiple plans, with there being a best case, and a worst-case scenario.

Seeing the best case scenario shaping up quite nicely, he felt a bit relieved, but he didn't let down his guard.

As soon as they reached within a certain distance of the man, they stopped, and Anissa spoke up, "We want nothing to do with him. Take him, and leave us alone."

Hearing this, the man controlled himself. He could take out his anger after ensuring that the prisoner was within his grasp, so he nodded and said, "Good choice. Send him over."

The guy and the Tera kept watching him cautiously, but he wasn't very worried that they would be able to do anything.

They didn't even look like they were carrying weapons, and even though he couldn't be completely sure, his power and the knowledge that these were at most 2-star Ascenders gave him assurance.

Everything looked normal. His target was draped in some sort of cloak which covered his hands, and after he was pushed forward by the girl, an expression of anger appeared on his face. However, he was pale, as if he had gotten injured, and as he walked, blood fell to the floor.

Frowning on seeing the slow pace, he asked, "Is he injured?"

"Yes. He tried to run away, and he got injured in the chase."

That was a small problem, but it could be easily solved using the materials he had on him. Whatever the wound was, it could be closed, and the target would be fine until he was taken to the headquarters, where a world of pain awaited him.

And as for these two…the moment he got the target in hand, he looked forward to what he would unleash on them.

Just to be safe, the man raised his palm, and with a flash, a Tera that was as tall as him appeared.

It was his pride: A Berserk Bull, which had horns pointing forward that were each 3-feet long. It's powerfully built body was more than 8 feet long and 5 feet wide, and there wasn't an ounce of fat to be found anywhere.

All three in front of him tensed when they saw the majestic Tera, and the man smiled on seeing this. He loved this expression, no matter how many times he saw it.

The target was barely a few inches from him, so he decided to move forward to chain him with the cuffs he had already prepared.

Yet, suddenly, that was when he noticed something.

The front of the cloak that he was wearing was wet with blood, and as he saw this, he suddenly got a bad feeling.


As that feeling suddenly intensified, the guy in front of him shouted this word, and as his instincts suddenly told him that his life was in danger, he leaped to the side in order to get behind the bull.

Alas…he was too late.

In a swift movement, the guy in front of him whom he had been charged to bring back swung open the cloak, and what he saw made him feel so much shock that his heart stilled.

There was a clinically precise hole in the lower part of his stomach, through which a sharp stone could be seen flying at a speed that he didn't even think was possible.

It's trajectory…would lead it to hit him right in his genital area, but he hoped that his leap would save him, by changing the point of impact to somewhere beside that all-important spot.

If he had been even a second faster, that would have been the case.

However, because he wasn't, the sharp stone flew true, and hit the corner of his family jewels.

That jewel was ripped open, and as the man screamed in pain, Max used that moment of distraction to throw a knife straight at his throat.

The pain was too much to be ignored, and hence, before he could respond appropriately, the knife found its mark.

The man fell to the floor, gurgling in his own blood, and Max fell alongside him.

The Bull stood staring at the scene, shocked, and even while Woof approached it and warily watched its moments, Aaron ran up to Max.

There was joy on Max's face, and the words he spat out were laced with happiness.

"You crazy bastard! Crazy, crazy, crazy bastard! That plan actually worked! And I thought I was crazy! If I survive this, I'll tell this tale to the entire world! 'Max's Ace in the Hole', I'll call it! Hahahaha!"