Decision(1)(Note: This book is on a hiatus)

Max was speechless as he saw the man and the Tera leave, but he didn't know what else he had expected.

All his life, he had never had to depend on anyone else. Again and again, life had shown him that he was on his own, and that he should never expect any favors from anyone.

Yet…Max wasn't ready to give up. Forcing favors was different from taking them when they were offered, and they had the same final result, so he was ready to beg if need be.

His personal plan did not accommodate for half a year spent in a Hamlet, or on the run. Indeed, even though he knew that he could escape, he would be doing so from something placed by the World Government, which meant that he wouldn't be able to challenge settlement leaders to Ascend the Path to the Stars.

All convicts who weren't following the orders of the World Government were barred from challenging and receiving resources, so although he had made many plans to escape, he knew that it might be in his best interests to wait it out.

As for escaping from Aaron, it was different. The blame would be placed on the Ascender, and after training for a bit, if he had surrendered by himself, he would have been fully pardoned by any World Government Court that he went to by abusing the fact that all Officials hated and despised the organization that he had been a part of, and that he was targeting.

There was only one problem with his plan to go and convince Aaron, though.

He couldn't move, as he was still too weak from the multiple injuries he had sustained in such a short period of time.

Also…he didn't even know exactly what to say, but suddenly, he remembered something.


Ever since seeing the bizarre, inexplicable things that Aaron and his Tera had been capable of, Max had understood that he wasn't normal, and that had been confirmed when the Official had just called him a Survivor.

Those legendary individuals who were said to have the best talent in anything Tera-related were known to all Ascenders, and it was common for them to be targeted out of sheer jealousy. Of course, Max wouldn't engage in such stupid things, but…could he use this information to his advantage?

As the gears in his mind started to turn, he had no idea that Aaron was just outside, looking at him through the window.

After exiting the room, Aaron had stopped and turned around to gaze at the convict, and even Woof had stopped, even though it had expected that they might be going back into the jungle.

Although it was slowly getting used to it, it didn't really like these places, with all those buildings which obstructed one's movement and vision.

Yet, the positive thing was the food, and for that…Woof was ready to stay here for as long as necessary.

Only, there did not seem to be any food here, right now, so it had wanted to go bound about in the forest a bit to loosen its joints.

Seeing that Aaron was in deep thought, it calmly lay on the ground and looked around, before spotting a gaggle of little kids to its right.

It had detected them before, but because they hadn't seemed like a threat, it had assumed that they would leave on their own. Yet…they were staring at it, as if targeting it for some reason.

Because it couldn't guess that the kids just wanted to touch its glossy, shining, white fur that looked oh-so-soft to the touch, it bared its fangs and made a low sound, causing all the kids to leave, save one.

It was a little girl- the same one who had strode forward before, when they had first reached the Hamlet.

Looking to her left and right, she noticed that no one else was there, and looking back at Woof's threatening expression, she gulped as if she was controlling her fear.

After that, to Woof's surprise, she bravely walked forward.

She actually had her eyes set on Aaron, and even though Woof continued staring at her, she managed to ignore it and walk up to Aaron before tugging on his pants and saying, "Please help Uncle Max. I heard the others saying that his freedom is in your hands. Freedom is not really nice for me, but he wants it. I have freedom now because my mom and dad are gone. I wish they were still here so that they could tell me not to run everywhere, but…"

As the brave little girl's facade finally broke, she broke down into tears. As there was nothing else nearby, she hugged Aaron's leg, making his pant wet in the process, but Aaron just stood and let her be, while looking at her with a complicated gaze.

He knew for a fact that this wasn't Max's doing, as he was still inside, and seemed to be thinking up a plan for something.

The tears of young ones were powerful things. Even in the forest, the innocent tears of Teras which came when they failed in something was one of the most adorable sights that anyone could see, because they represented an innocence that shone brightly within the sea of almost mindless ferocity and death.

Yet…he had already learned his lesson through the episode with Edmond. However, something told him that he probably should not judge everyone using that, and he also recalled the words of the old man regarding Survivors and companions.

Thinking for a bit, he made a preliminary decision.

He would first see what Max would come up with, and based on that…he would decide.


As his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden yelp, he couldn't help but turn and then burst out laughing, as the little girl had shifted from Aaron's leg to Woof's soft fur, who looked so uncomfortable with the little girl's tears and snot pouring onto its fur that it was pretty damn comical.