The hierarchy pieces are somewhat like chess but I changed their names.
1 King piece
Emperor ( 1 King piece )- this is the most important piece of all in Hierarchy Pieces. Emperors are generally recognized to be of a higher honor and rank than kings. It is that an emperor has no relations implying the superiority of any other ruler and typically rules over more than one nation, therefore a king might be obliged to pay tribute to another ruler, or be restrained in his actions in some unequal fashion, but an emperor should, in theory, be completely free of such restraints.
2 Queen Piece
King ( 1 Queen piece )- the right hand of the Emperor in Hierarchy Pieces. King is most likely the strategist in Hierarchy Pieces. The king leads the army pieces of the emperor. The king is a battle type piece.
Queen ( 1 Queen piece )- the left hand of the Emperor (lol hahaha) in Hierarchy Pieces. The queen is the healer type of the group. Queen also needs to require a lot of mana than the king. The queen is a support type piece.
4 Bishops (lead by the Queen )
Archduchess ( 2 Bishop Piece )- the second in command in the support type pieces. Archduchess is much higher in position than the Grand Prince/ Grand Princess.
Grand Princess ( 2 Bishop Piece )- a battle type or a support type piece. Grand Princess is in between of the type
4 Knights ( lead by the King )
Archduke ( 1 Knight Piece ) - the second in command in the battle type pieces.
Grand Prince ( 1 Knight Piece) - a battle type or a support type piece.
Prince ( 1 Knight Piece ) - the second strategist in the battle type pieces. ( A/N: the king is the main strategist )
Duke ( 1 Knight Piece ) - the strategist and also the main defense type in the battle type pieces.
2 Rooks ( lead by the Duke )
Marquis ( 1 Rook Piece )- the strongest defense type in the battle type pieces. The tanker of the group.
Margrave ( 1 Rook Piece )- the bait defense type of the group. This piece is the one who sets up a lot of trap. One of the strategist pieces.
3 Pawns ( lead by the Emperor )
Count ( 1 piece ) - they have different types in battle or medic. This piece can change between the two. The Count piece can also rank up without the permission of the emperor or go to the enemy base. He can rank up anywhere.
Viscount ( 1 piece ) - only a battle type piece. This piece can rank up but only in a battle type piece like Marquis, Margrave, Archduke, Prince, and Duke. He can also rank up anywhere.
Baron ( 1 piece ) - a medic or strategist type piece. This piece is always beside the Emperor or just inside the base. This piece is the most dangerous one. This piece can heal or revive every piece inside the battle even if they are thousands away from each other. This piece needs a lot of mana. The Secret healer of the group.
All in all the hierarchy piece has 16 pieces.