ARC 3 part 4 The Elementals of Zethros

Jaina and Daiman go in the Kitchen with maps, Jaina unveils the map on the kitchen table since it was big enough and the map was huge and very detailed.

Daiman looks at the map "so there are 6 islands huge one in the middle 1 to the east 1 to the west that's where the town is, 2 at the north and 1 south"

Jaina marks the west island "let's mark the important places, also where did you put the notes"

Daiman scratches his head ugh in my bed, ill go get them"

Jaina looks confused "why is it there anyways"

Daiman sighs and starts going "we were carrying boxes you gave it to me, and I did not know where to put it"

Jaina smiles "alright fair, also those notes will be our starting point"

Jaina then looks down thinking "we should read carefully what's in there, otherwise we could end up on Wildgoose chase"

Daiman brings them over " where there's really only one way to find out.

Daiman opens notes looks though first few pages "seem like seems like this guy kept it short, anyways ill start reading "

Daiman goes back to the first page and sits on a chair "Day 1 we started the investigation the crew has noticed the weather is abnormal, we were attacked by elementals as soon as we came close to the main island we were forced to retreat"

After a while of reading with little to no info from the first note, Daiman and Jaina found useful information.

Daiman looks interested "Day 25 Islands seem to have caves located on them, I have no idea how to enter them"

Daiman quickly turns the page "day 26 gates are man-made definitely, however, I can't say nothing more about it right now there is still a lot more research that is necessary"

The rest of the text outside of the location of 2 entrances being on north and south island, there was nothing else worth mentioning.

Jaina smiles after marking map "looks like he hit the dead-end"

Daiman sighs "Unfortunately so, alright let's check out other ones"

Other ones mostly talk about the main island and weather changes, after that they found animals they started investigating illness and elementals behavior"

Daiman starts reading " few days in and I can already say for certain, elementals are not acting like they normally do, they are being extremely aggressive and for some reason are very agitated"

Jaina leans "in other words we can go to the main island using sea we have to find another way or something to calm them down.

Daiman stops reading for a moment "there has to be another way to get in there, perhaps though the caves"

Daiman "the main island weather changes seem to be far worse than on other islands, we were attacked by the elementals a few days ago

Daiman looked surprised "we found a series of vaccines of unknown origins and a corpse in the north part of the island, it appears the injections were put into animals but animals spread it to each other through means of bite, the illness is man-made I have already lost plenty of my crew in this I am going to leave"

Jaina smiles " that will definitely help, let's go there and investigate "

They noticed the weather started changing drastically, it was getting very windy.

Daiman looks at Jaina "I'm going up, Jaina secure the deck, we will be landing and as soon as we get to the island we head north island"

The weather was very windy it created quite big waves which were splashing ships left and right, Daiman brought a rope with him from his room and tied himself to the sail to keep himself safe.

Meanwhile, Jaina goes and starts checking out the sides and making sure everything is pulled up and secured.

After Jaina then carefully made her way back down.

Jaina shouts "I will go and check the rest of the rooms if I noticed it gets too dangerous ill come to help you"

Daiman looks over at Jaina "just make sure the Umbrella is ready"

Jaina "alright after this is all over we could upgrade the upper deck don't ya think"

Daiman looks frustrated "yeah we could use it being little more like the deck of regular ship "

Jaina grabbed the telescope and goes back to the upper deck and looks through it" path ahead is a clear north island is ahead"

Daiman looks at Jaina "look for the elementals and for safest shore for us to land on, I would like to avoid going against either elementals or infected animals for now"

Jaina nods "Yes captain consider them gone"

Daiman smirks "you don't have to be so formal sister"

Jaina looks though the telescope with a smile "come on its quite fun, and kinda true"

Daiman laughs "yeah, but we are still to small crew for something like that"

Jaina smirks "2 water elementals to our right, don't start getting humble already"

Daiman smirks and takes the turn to the left, after passing the elementals they see an island the was raining once they got near water elements, further away they got the less it rained"

Jaina smiles "I guess this confirms it, elementals are causing the crazy weather changes and we can track them based on the weather"

Daiman nods "anyways lets circle around the island and find a good place to land"

Jaina and Daiman were circling around the island for half an hour, they noticed the island has a lot of predators Mainly Bears and Wolfs, they decided to land on the west side since it was close to the cave and 1 of 2 spots on the entire island it would be impossible to land on a bigger ship.

By the time they got there, the weather changed back to normal.

Jaina walks drop the sail and looks at Daiman "its all clearing here its as if this place was build as well hidden dock, there are even a few more small caves up there which could be used for storing supplies"

Daiman nods "let's check it out first"

They go to the storage and pick up weapons and ammo they also pick rubber balls with small flint explosives on them filled with sand and Molotov cocktails

Jaina looks at Daiman "really need to reinforce this sooner or later, the haul is much weaker than I thought at first"

Daiman looks at Jaina while loading his flintlock and smirks "well that's what you bought those books for after all"

Jaina laughs "true anyways let's get going"

They get off the ship and begin walking on the beach, as they look on the beach the rocks look like they were thrown upon each other and the beach leads straight up.

Daiman looks around "this gives me artificial feel"

Jaina nods "literally all other parts of the island are much different, then this it's suspious"

Jaina looks around " the beach leads straight up and it's even little difficult to climb it, and rocks look as if they were moved and piled up but in such a way that they create a wall on 2 sides"

As they get cleared of beach they see the caves on the right and another 1 straight forward,the ground was covered with pretty tall grass, the forest wasn't anywhere close, then they heard Wolfs in the distance.

Jaina looks around once again "well maybe we shouldn't stay in the open for very long, common let's check caves out"

Daiman nods "id rather avoid the pack"

As they get into 1st cave on right they notice a large hole in it with 1 metal hook on the ground and broken metal piece on top.

Jaina smiles "well I think he definitely found something here"

Daiman approaches and looks down the hole "and whoever built this certainly though locking up though"

Jaina nods and looks around smiling "let's see what dirty secrets we can uncover here"

Daiman turns around and starts exiting the cave "when we have the way to get in and out of there then sure"

Jaina runs over pats Daiman" I'm sure Lilith can help us to enter and unveil whatever secrets we can find here"

After they get out they head into the cave next to it and they see the same thing as in last cave they checked out, after that, they head out and into the cave in north

Daiman looked bit uneasy, meanwhile, Jaina was smiling and looked very confident and eager to fight off whatever comes in their way.

Jaina was however also aware that due to tallness of grass wolfs could easily sneak up on them, so Daiman and Jaina proceeded walking with caution and on guard.

Daiman looked around "jeez maybe I should have bought a better gun"

Jaina smiles and looks back "wheres confidence from before"

Daiman sighs "just don't get too ahead of yourself, wild animals can be really tricky and until we know how the illness spreads we cany get hit"

Jaina nods with a smile and turns around "that's true but still, we have our weapons and few gadgets we made along the way.

Daiman looks suspiciously at Jaina "still where the heck did you learn to make this"

Jaina rolls her eyes looks annoyed " it is so basic you don't need any chemical knowledge for this, ill show you when we have time "

Daiman "alright no need to get worked up about it, anyways where almost at cave"

After they get to the cave they noticed the cave has bigger entrance but it goes down

Daiman and Jaina begin heading down, they look up and notice the walls looked secured with metal, they notice the whole place is basically Earthquake proof.

Jaina looked around " this feels weird, why would they make this place and them immediately proceed to abandon it"

Daiman nods "yeah but if we can get in here I'm sure will figure out what's going on here"

Jaina "that's too early to tell, but they definitely aren't as in dark as we are"

Jaina then laughs

Daiman looks confused "what is it "

Jaina stops laughing "its quite ironic thing to say considering they are the one who lived in a cave, for unknown period time"

Daiman smirks "I guess they got sick of the weather"

Jaina turns around and loudly says "Enough to dig themselves a hole"

Daiman laughed "anyways at least we should be safe here from the pack "

Jaina nods "hopefully youre right, otherwise, we're both gonna be their meal"

They laugh and make jokes as they walk down to the bottom, as they reach the bottom they see a big metal gate with writings on it

Jaina approached the wall with ink "this is as far as we could go, huh they seem to have drawn the map of the surroundings in the island"

The map has shown where the wolf pack territory and some weird mutant picture, they also have marked 2 cave entrances they found before something on the far left side of the island, with a question mark drawn on it.

Jaina looks around "can you find anything else"

Daiman looks on the right side at the upper corner "here, careful the infection here is not the same "

Jaina smirks "well good thing we know that, so tips from Lilith may or may not apply here then "

Daiman looks further to the right and notices a hole in the wall, he tries to fit in but he can't, but he clearly could see something metallic on the other side, he the hole wasn't that small perhaps a woman or child could fit in,however it did look like they haven't really cleaned out the edges few of them are still sharp.

Daiman goes back out "Jaina I found something"

Jaina walks over "like what"

Daiman points to the hole "the small hole there's something in there, but I can't see clearly see what"

Jaina smiled "and you want me to crawl through there, right "

Daiman nods " yea, unfortunately, I can't fit in"

Jaina looks at him "ok then get up there and wait for me to finish"

Daiman looks at Jaina Confused " why "

Jaina looks annoyed "I'm not risking damaging my cloaths, so go up there until I finish"

Daiman nods "alright, I'm sorry ill go and wait"

Jaina smiles while Daiman is going up "its fine don't worry about it"

Jaina gets half-naked and puts her cloaths on the sides and crawls through to the other side, facing her she noticed 2 cylinder looking objects in there, she then noticed they can put in battery in there.

Jaina looks at it closely "so they took off the battery for the gate when they were leaving, but I wonder why to put it outside and there of all places"

other than it and pipes connecting it to the inside of the facility, she didn't see anything worth noting and decided to get out.

Jaina dresses up "perhaps if we could somehow make a power source we could open it unless they put something else as well"

Jaina screams and looks at the way up after she dresses up "you can come down now"

Daiman sounds surprised "that was quick"

Jaina looks at Daiman" yeah except the mechanism that opens the gate lacking the battery there's nothing worth noting there, but we could potentially charge it assuming we can find what it takes to charge it "

Daiman smiles "well we have all these elementals around filled with magic, I'm sure we can make something out of them"

Jaina nods "in that case lets head back I'm sure someone in town can help us"

They heard a loud roar from upstairs.

Jaina looked up looking Sirius " oh ouh"

Daiman walks up and quietly says "any idea what that was "

they hear 1 more roar and it sounds like it's going down "well from the sounds of it, definitely sounds like bear"

Daiman and Jaina ready their weapons and walk forward, it was almost pitch black but closer they got they seen a bear taller than normal he had brown liquid dripping off his mouth, the bear was very aggressive and had very sharp claws.

Daiman took step back and looks nervous "crap we need to get out of here"

Jaina smiles while taking a step back "yeah well need to go to the more open area"

The bear didn't completely block off the way, Jaina went forward to distract the bear.

Daiman was surprised "Jaina wait"

Bear tried to hit Jaina with his huge paw and claws Jaina moved back and cuts his paw.

Jaina smiles "don't worry ill hold him off think of something"

On closer look, the bear had red eyes and brown liquid dripping from his mouth it leaves of a mild stink it's also it was slightly denser than the pancake mass, which made Jaina wonder.

Jaina thinks to herself "I'm not sure if I can get a sample of that"

Daiman looks frustrated and thinks to himself guns won't do we any good"

Jaina jumped back as bear tried to bite her

Jaina then tries to stab his head bear quickly moves back and almost knocks cutlass out of Jainas hand with his paw

Jaina bearly manages to stand her ground without being knocked back "alright this thing hits a lot harder than I thought"

Daiman "get ready to jump out of the way when he attacks with the bite"

Jaina nods and prepares the bear was being careful and tried hitting them with paw

Daiman shot the bear and hit its shoulder " dam the thing wants to corner us "

Jaina nods and looks Sirius "in that case lets make it attack"

Jaina looked around to see if there's anything that can help them, she notices some of the long stalagmites that she can reach and cut however it was quite risky to do so but it was the only thing that she could reach, she the stalagmites that were hanging were quite sharp.

Jaina looked at the stalagmite closest to her and bears head "maybe that could at least make it bleed"

Jaina cuts the tip of the stalagmite and throws it at the bear's head, hitting it and irritating it even more.

Jaina looked Sirius after she noticed stalagmite did no damage " not even small bruise, we can't bet it here"

The bear spat brown liquid at them Jaina and Daiman moved out of the way.

Daiman looked down at liquid "yeah let's avoid the middle"

The bear stood up roared and tried to hit with both paws, Daiman stabbed one of them, and Jaina moved to the side, after which Bear tried to bite Daiman after which Daiman threw Rubberball and covered his eyes which it exploded on contact and temporarily blinded the bear.

The bear's blood started dripping and it was blue, however, when it was completely dipped into the brown liquid it almost started boiling

Daiman shouted "Go let's get back to the ship"

Jaina "no need to tell me twice, but first grab some samples in something, and don't clean or sheet that sword"

Daiman looked at Jaina "alright don't worry I'm, not gonna waste it "

Daiman quickly took small empty bottle which he used to store water in and took a sample of brown liquid"

They run past the bear and proceed running back to the ship.

Jaina "well seems like we weren't entirely ready after all"

Daiman looks back and notices they aren't followed.