Encounter with Scum

One could see birds flying in blue sky while chirping happily, some sea monsters will occasionally rise above the sea level.

But on this vast sea a beautiful ship is sailing care-freely they are heavenly pirates who have become extremely famous within these three month in which they separated from straw hat pirates from Nami's village. From that island Zack went to many different villages in east blue and got them under his wing.

If there were some pirates terrorizing any village heavenly pirates would obliterate those pirate groups.

If there was shortage of food they will provide them with enough food and Zack will even appoint resurrected faithful servants to those islands for protection and hold.

These servants were created by Zack from a technique modified by eve which used dead bodies of pirates who were wicked and killed by heavenly pirates. This was a very convenient technique for Zack's ambition.

Flash Back------ Zack's POV

I was getting bored because i was not getting proper action lately, the reason for this is that the pirates here in East blue are weak as ants and my crew consists of only monsters even the weakest among them can easily contend with new world pirates so whenever a fight takes place it ends up in total annihilation of opposite party. I really want to fight, so i gazed at Hang wei who was sitting cross-legged while closing his eyes so i thought of having a spar with him.

"Hey Hang Wei! let's spar." i called him.

when he heard me calling his name he opened his eyes and saw me while a small smile graced his lips.

He stood up respectfully and walked towards the edge of the ship and called for Monnet and told her to freeze the sea water so that we can have a spar .

Monnet complied and waved both of her hands in the air. when she did so strong snow storm started to rage and the temperature started to lower. And when the snowflakes hit the sea water it started to freeze sea at a very rapid rate. The freezing rate of monnet is less than that of Aokiji but her coverage area is very large she can easily freeze the water within her sight range in this open sea.

so when she finished freezing water me and hang wei both jumped on water and started our battle we first fought using swords and after that we fought using only our body. While i could use my devil fruit but it will be of no use against Hang Wei because he is not a devil fruit user.

But still it is too exciting to fight against the most powerful person in this world.

After our little spar many of the heavenly pirates sparred with each other. They really enjoyed fighting. All the heavenly pirates became battle maniacs.

After our this little enjoyment we resumed our journey and reached an island which totally gave us the impression of godforsaken land because the people living there were extremely poor they didn't have any proper source of income they were extremely impoverished. Heavenly pirates then at the order of Zack called together everyone of this island on an open field, and then distributed food resources amongst the residents.

But Zack begin to think that what will happen if he leaves this island.

He was deep in thought that he was unable to notice that eve has arrived behind him and spoke to him

"Zack i know what you are worried about. I have a solution for your problem."

"Eve you are my lucky star.Please give me advise." Zack spoke while faking tears.

"Hehe you just have to reincarnate those guys out of the people you kill, they will become totally royal to you as well as they retain all their fighting prowess before there death and you can then assign them to different islands and they will manage them."

Hearing Eve Zack was totally thrilled, his eyes began to shine by only thinking the possibilities which he can have now with these undeads.

"But wait Eve how can we reincarnate them?" Zack asked Eve.

When he asked eve looked at him like he was an idiot and then told him "I think you are forgetting the heavenly world as well as The System consisting of each and every thing present in this whole cosmos. I can easily create them just like the completed "world impure resurrection technique" of your so called Naruto world."

"The hell are you saying Eve! you want me to reincarnate dead people by sacrificing living people?" Zack couldn't believe what eve was saying.

Eve litely hit Zack on his head and said " Didn't you listen what i just said, i said "The complete world impure resurrection technique" this technique does not require human sacrifice. But as you know that there are some laws in which no one can bring any type of change one of which is that for bringing dead back to life someone have to take their place. BUT who said that it should be only humans?"

Hearing this Zack was totally ecstatic. Because as time was passing and heavenly world was in final stages of completely integrating with The System the space of heavenly world has become very vast with many oceans, forests mountains as well as many different types of life forms. Even the creatures like dragons and phoenixes have been reborn. It has literally become a paradise. But only Zack, Eve as well as Hang Wei knew about it because Zack didn't introduce heavenly world to other people.

He only visited his world sometimes when nobody was near him because he was disinclined to answer them.

So when everything was cleared he told his crew about his intentions.

And after that all those evil scum who were destroyed by heavenly pirates were resurrected as faithful servants to Zack by sacrificing different normal animals.



Also he created adventure's guild called "Dragon's rage" at those islands which he took hold of for the purpose of protecting those islands as well as to train new recruits in different skills so that they should become self sufficient as well as learn fighting so that they can protect themselves as well.

As Zack was musing to himself he felt a strong presence 15 minutes distance away and from the speed and direction of that presence he could easily say that it is on a high speed boat.

Many of His crew members also felt it but they were not worried about it. Because they knew the power of their captain as well as their second in command's who happened to be their trainer.

"hmmm! this guy has developed ice power very well." Hang wei also commented as he was the originator of this world power system no one was more knowledgeable about devil fruits power as he was.

'It seems that Aokiji is on board. But the question is why is he here in this sea?' Naturally Zack heard Hang Wei and he knew that it must be Aokiji.

When that ship came in their vision one could sea that it was a very big ship with a lot of gold and silver decorations. And many marines were standing on its deck and a very obese man was sitting on a big guy's back which had an iron collar around its neck. And that big guy was in pretty bad condition clearly he was very badly beaten.

While heavenly pirates were observing those on the other ship with some having clear disgust towards them, a man who seemed to be an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man having black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build was also observing the magnificent boat in front of him and its occupants.

The more he observed them the more he began to panic and if one could observe cold sweat was beginning to pour down from his cheek.He was Kuzan a navy powerhouse an admiral as well known as Aokiji.

'WHO CAN FUCKING TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS LINE UP. DAMMIT. I hope this pig don't do something shitty.' while thinking like this he turned his head towards his right sight where that obese man was sitting on a slave. And what he saw made his blood to get cold because that ugly pig was watching that boat and the girls present in that ship with eyes full of lust and greed.

when he saw that he knew that he was fucked.

'Damn pig' Aokiji cursed him.

When Aokiji was cursing him he heard a voice which brought him out of his stupor.

"Well well well! if it isn't the scum of this world." Zack said with a playful voice. There was a vicious glint in his calm eyes, he was going to enjoy this.

"GUYS! It's time to enter this world's big stage." Zack announced to his crew.

"OOOOH" The crew exclaimed.