A Little Crisis 3

"That's true, in the NBA teams play a lot of games a month and have to travel across the country, I don't think Jake would be released just to participate in a marathon."

"This is if he gets into the NBA of course, even if he's a good player we'll have to wait a few years to see, seeing how well he goes in the marathon I find it hard to believe that God has given him so many talents."

"But I think if he could choose for sure he would rather have the knack for being a basketball star than a marathon winning athlete."

"Hahaha, that for sure."

Even commentators thought basketball was more important than athletics in the United States, but that was normal, so much so that in many countries athletes have no financial support from their countries to participate in athletics competitions.

Even so, talented people like Jake would choose other sports or even a normal job than being athletes and bringing medals to the country.