Small Vacation at Home 5

"You don't have to sign any such deal, Jake, I know you're just doing it to help me, I just ask that when I can afford to buy the stock you can sell it to me."

Clara understood that it was not right to do a friend who was doing her a favor by signing any kind of contract, yet she was determined to buy all the stock she could back to not have that kind of problem.

Even though she understood that she would first have to raise money to buy her rival's 34 percent, it would take her many years to succeed, not to mention that after this crisis had passed she would have to re-invest in her business properly.

Also, she can't keep asking Tiffany's help to buy that 34 percent from the rival company, after all, Tiffany also had to take care of her company for years to come, she knew well that her friend lost two years of potential company growth and even risked being arrested to help her buy these stocks.