Back for the Sophomore Year 2

But if it was to say he got any better Jake could be happy about it, it could be true that his young body might have affected his personality a little in those years, also had the fact that Jake had suffered so much in his past life and have been very antisocial.

Everything about this life of his was very different from what he experienced in the past life at the same age, he had other opportunities and had another mindset to make different and more correct decisions, not to mention that with his mother not working and happy it was all different.

Jake also had more friends, more money, more work, and even in love relationships he had more experiences than in 40 years of his past life, it was a different and happier life than Jake had.

That day Jake received calls from all his sponsors who were very happy with Jake getting this gold medal, now Jake was even more beloved in America as a sports hero than before.