First Love

A girl stand's in front of Alexis smiling as almost if she was happy to see him, but Alexis face stayed the same, confuses.

"Hey baby" she says smiling and hugs him "Did you miss me because I missed you" she walks in without permission, but she didn't notice me I look at Alexis confused also , but his attention focused on her

"Elizabeth?" he finally says "What are you doing here and I thought we broke up" He closes the door then goes to her.

"Ummmm" I say interrupting before she get's another chance to speak

"Whose this?" she said looking at me disgusted, I only sat their with sweat pants but then i realize I was wearing his T shirt

"Why are you here Elizabeth " his voice sounded serious i've seen him act like this before and it is never good

"Just thought i should come and visit my boyfriend" I didn't know how to react to that so I went uo stairs to get my shoes and backpack to leave Alexis saw and his voice started to get angry

" I'm not your boyfriend okay We've broke up a long time ago so get out " he grabbed her wrist and made her go outside I went back down stairs she knew that he found someone else so she force kiss him infront of me and i just stood their motionless

"Stop!" he pushes her awat and slams the door and he turns realize i was their he tried explaining but emotions hit me i couldn't say anything so , I put on my earphones and left to my house I couldn't handle so much stuff it all just came out me at once

*Later on that Night* "Ugh why am I like this" I say to myself, my phone starts to ring it wad Alexis, I answer "Please listen to me I...."

"Be quiet and fall asleep with me" I didn't care anymore I just knew that if I had fallen asleep alone I would have had nightmares again

"Okay" he smiles and we both fall asleep on the phone together until morning

"Goodmorning sleepy Head"

"Morning" I say sleepy but I had forgotten all that had happened yesterday

"Are you okay?" his voice soft and calm I just love his voice

"Yeah I guess .... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure anything"

"Can you come over i need a hug " i start to stretch waiting for his respond

i can hear his laugh, it was cute to the point i just wanted him to be mine already but... "Yeah sure but after i need to head to the gym "

How would I know if he wants to be with me? "okay see you later" i stand up and i walk down stairs still in the same clothes as the day before, my mind drifts off wondering about things that I assumed had no answers to, but the answer was Alexis.

He nocks on the door and I go down opening it to him "hey" he smiles at me and hugs me tightly

"So you gonna explain why I'm wearing your T shirt?" I look at him but gets lost in his eyes, I wish I can kiss him right now, I thought to myself.

"Oh yeah I just thought you would look cute in it and you did" he smiles then leans in close to me his face close to mine again, I start remembering what happened yesterday and i step back

"Whose Elizabeth and why did she kiss you?"He looked down and closed the door

"Well she was my first girl friend, me and her fell in love and we dated for a year but she moved to Los Angeles to be with her friends and to just live their, I broke up with her but when she came back I guess she thought we were still dating" his light blue eyes stared at me and those cheery red lips where almost agaisnt mine

"Oh, sorry for leaving and not letting you explain" He smirks and laughs a bit

"Your so adorable" he kisses me putting his soft hand agaisnt my cheek we made out for a couple mintues until he had to go to the gym

"So see you at 5 for our dinner date?" he smiles at me

"Sure I would love too" He winks at me and leaves I close the door, full of joy running up the stairs getting ready to go until I get a call....