The Truth

I gasp trying to breath but i couldn't so i tried fighting next. I elbowed the person in the stomach and their strength had lowered so i took off the bag and took deep breath.

"What the fuck.... what's your problem" I looked at the person and it was Alexis, I was in shocked that he would do that to me.

"Oh what's up babe" he smiles and tries to hug me but I push him away.

"Why did you do that, are you crazy?" I looked at him then I saw his friends behind him they all smiled and I knew that once they were with him he acts different.

"Come on babe don't be like that, let's go home my friends are going to join us so..." I didn't even stick around to hear the end I left him walking back to my house, until he grabbed my arm. "Where you going?" he started acting serious, In all my life I never seen him act like this.

"To my House" I make him let go of me and I continue to walk. Instead of running after me he left with his friends and they drove off in the oppiste direction. I wait for him at home snd it turns dark, he comes home barging drunk and he comes to me laughing.

"Hey baby, give me a kiss" he smiles but I push away he stinks of alcohol.

"Explain now " he stops smiling and his express turns sad and angry.

"Well I'm part of gang okay, I have to do what they tell me to do and I can't do anything about it unless I move somewhere else I'm sorry okay and every time I'm around someone i have to act mean and rude to people" he starts to tear up and I go next to him and puts my arm around him.

"It's okay baby, let's go to somewhere new then" he cries into my shoulder then falls asleep. I smile and lays down next to him, "Goodnight"

*Next morning* Alexis wakes up groaing having a headache and he goes to the bathroom, I wakeup after he dose and head to the kitchen to make food for us since I doubt we would school after what happened there.

Alexis comes out of the bathroom and looks at me "Baby what happened yesterday my memory is bad so I think I was drunk" I look back at him he knows that every time he loses his memory of what happened had drank.

"Well you almost killed me by putting a bag over my head, you came home drunk after hanging with your gang friends, and we are moving" I smile then continued to cook his face gets wide in shock and he comes to me wrapping his arms around me.

"Sorry baby, It's just..." I interrupted him before he can say more

"You have to act different when your gang is around yes I get it you explained that when you were drunk" he hugs me tighter

"I love you so much, I can't believe your still with me after everything I did" I smile and roll my eyes.

"Yeah what ever babe come on eat we need to start looking for houses." I kiss him then go to the table to eat. He smirks and gets his food and starts eating also.

"So we ever going to have children or what?" He looks at me smiling as he eats his food, my expression goes to shocked I never knew he wanted children. "How about pets I want a dog" He continues talking about what he wants but the thing that confused me the most out of all the relationships he had been with like 1 year or longer he had never talked about the future with them. We've been dating for like a week already and he's already bringing up.

"Ummm.... Well I got a question out of all the people you been with, why talk about the fiture with me if we been dating for a week?" his dimples start to show more and he turned red a little bit

"Well because I see a future with you unlike other people and since we always pretend you were my boyfriend since 4th grade and now you are so"

"Yeah " I laugh then look down, I always thought the whole boyfriend thing was a joke to make girls jealouse. I guess that it wasn't and he actually wants to be with me.

Later on that day me and Alexis went to the park playing basket ball and a group of girls surround Aleixs and I noticed one of them it was Alexis ex, she came up to me and grabbed me dragging me away a few girls followed her.

"What do you want?" I looked at her and she just smiled at me

"I want something that was mine, I want you to break up with Alexis"

"I'm not doing that never" I tried leaving but the girls blocked my way and started getting close to me I tried backing up but their was nothing to step on

"Have it your way then" the girls pushed me down and they all left. I rolled down hitting trees on my back, as i roll fast down to the ground a giant rock hit my head and I passed out and a I bleed a little.