Tears of Fire

As the fire grows bigger and getting closer to me Alexis goes into the house covering his nose with his shirt and tries finding me.

"Babe!" he yelled that out multiple times but I couldn't tell him where I was, I was passed out on the floor breathing slowly. Then Alexis goes back outside coughing and breathing heavily and sirens go off firefighters, police, and ambulance surround our house. The firefighters rush trying to put the fire out.

*FireFighter* "Sir is their anyone else in the house?" he puts his hand on Alexis' shoulder and he turns looking at him.

"Yes my boyfriend, but I can't find him." he nods and rushes inside the house. They finally found me laying on the floor passed on the fire had gotten bigger and closer to me. The Firefighter grabbed me and ran back outside and the rest of his team tried putting out the fire.

"You will be okay" he puts a mask on me and I breathe heavily, I open my eyes a little bit but everything was blurry the all I saw were a firefighter and Alexis holding my hand then I blacked out.

"Is he going to be okay?" Alexis said in a worry but trying to be confident.

"Yes he just needs to go to the hospital to get some test on him to hope for the best and the smoke didn't do any damage to his lungs." He puts me in the ambulance and Alexis goes in with me.

" Thank you, so much" he smiles at him and he smiles back then he closes the door slowly but hesitates.

" Hey, give me a call if he turns out to be okay" he hands Alexis his number and smiles.

"Okay I will, Thank you again" he finally closes the doors and off the ambulance went to the hospital. "Everything will be okay baby, I promise" he puts his head against mine and starts to tear up. I slowly wake up again and look at him.

" I love you" I manage to say, he smiles as his eyes are full with tears and he kisses my cheek.

"I love you too baby stay strong like you always are" I smile then my eyes close again. Hours pass by and we finally made it to the hospital, the doctors helped me giving me better oxygen and did some test on me and my lungs.

Alexis waits on a chair out in the entrance with his hands together against his head.*Doctor* "If you want to see him you can he is doing better and luckily the fire didn't injure him and his lungs are kind of destroyed so it could get hard for him to breath sometimes especially if someone hits him on the chest hard."

"Okay thanks doctor, I want to see him." he nods and leads Alexis to the room I was in. I lay there my breathing back to normal and my heart rate beat is normal. He rushes next to me and holds my hand."Hey, baby, you might not be able to hear me but I just want you to know I love you very much". My eyes slowly open then look at him.

"Babe? Where are we?" I start to look around noticing we were at the hospital.

"We are at the hospital, our house was on fire and you passed out on the floor". He smiles at me and kisses me deeply.

"I love you, I'm sorry I put you throw all of this, for you worrying about me." he laughs as his beautiful bright smile.

"It's okay baby, I put you through so much worse. I'm just glad that your still mine." he keeps kissing me smiling.

"I love you.... so much" i manage to stay between kisses.

"I love you more" he smiles and hugs me."Im just glad your okay" The doctor walks in with his clip board and a wheel chair.

"Um excuse me..." Alexis gets up and turns to him. "Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you both, but it seems like he is good to go."

"Thank you doctor" Alexis shakes his hand.

"No problem, but it might be kind of hard for him to walk so I brought a wheel chair." He brings it over to my side.

"Now be careful, here" he hands me an inhaler. "You will need this" I take it from his hand.

"Thanks for everything " he smiles and Alexis starts pushing me to his car and the doctor takes the wheel chair back as i get in Alexis car.

The whole drive home was quiet mainly because we had nothing to speak of anymore, but I feel like something was different about him. I place my hand on his and his hand didn't try to hold my hand.

"Babe you okay?" he nods and continues to drive I took off my hand on his and place in on thigh.We drove for a few hours but as we got home a girl appeared at his parents house (where we are now living).

"Oh Hey Baby" she smiles and hugs him. "Whose he?" he looks at me then back at her.

"Just a friend I picked up from the hospital he has to stay with us because his house caught on fire". My heart stopped, I walked inside greeting his parents then going to his room.My eyes start to water up and I get the clothes I left here just in case if anything happens, I changed into them but struggled.

"Hey, are you okay after the fire" the girl came in and I sat there on his bed full of tears. "Oh did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'm just leaving" I stood up and head for the door but before I opened it Alexis did.

"Oh sorry, Can I talk to you?", I nod and he takes me outside. "I'm sorry but since you were always at the hospital I thought I would just try dating someone if you died..." he looks down and my ranged filled my heart and I cried.

"You think it's okay just to do this?! I tried being there for you! I helped you through the worst , I stood by you!" I pushed him then I walked away.

"Babe!" he yelled after me, I turned around still anger.

"What now! You want to break my heart more, just leave me the fuck alone! " he tries to grab my hand but I pull away from him

"I hope that girl is worth it because I know that without me you would of been jail " I turn around and left, I called my friend to pick me up and take me to her house .

"Hey it's okay , you don't need him" she rests her hand on my back, but I continue to cry in her pillow.

"I hate myself" I try to stop crying and talk to her but it didn't worth but then we heard a nock on the door and her parents opened it up.

"Mya, your friend is here!" she goes down stairs rushing.Then she smiles and grabs the person's hand and runs up stairs.....