Consolidating Power (4)

Li Nuxie's original plan was to play with Huang Wensheng. However, her blood was currently boiling, thus she cannot play with the boy. She might crush him completely. After all, she was known as Blitzkrieg in the gaming scene. This Rezvani was the perfect anger absorber.

Rezvani shrugged his shoulders. His eyes were glinting with greed. "Call," he accepted the challenge.

Raising an eyebrow, Li Nuxie lifted her hand in the air. "Wait, what's your stake?"

A mocking laugh escape from the mouth of Rezvani. "Why do I need a stake for? I'm sure I am going to win."

Li Nuxie sneered. Damn, did she make a wrong decision? She should have chosen boxing instead of Forza Horizon. She gritted her teeth as her sight was continuously assaulted of Rezvani's smile. It was irritating to the point that her hand wanted to shift to involuntary muscle, flying straight to the guy's face.

"Oh, indeed?" with a half-tucked chin, she questioned. "Even Huang Wensheng can defeat you, and you're telling me you're gonna win?" Li Nuxie crossed her arms. "Please, you're not a comedian so don't make me laugh."

"Y-You—" Under the pale lights of the underground café, she watched the guy in front of her flinched from her words.

Huang Wensheng took a step forward. For a lanky boy like him, his stare was hard enough to doubt the real status of his capability.

"You brat!" Rezvani pointed at him.

"He's not your opponent," she gestured for Huang Wensheng to step backward before facing Rezvani again. "So, what's your stake?"

"I'll be your slave if I lose!" he boldly declared.

Li Nuxie stared at him, her eyes were squinted. After a while, she curled her lips. "Very well. Then, let's do it now," she said as she occupied a vacant chair.

Outside the underground café, Li Nuxie was not aware that the Li Textile was currently facing a predicament. Early in the morning, a scandal of RuRu flooded the internet that made the stocks of Li Textile fell faster than the apple over Isaac Newton's head. RuRu who has already graced the catwalk of Victoria's Secret, was currently signed as the face of Li Textile.

However, as soon as the scandal went viral, Liu Lanzhi convinced the board to withdraw the endorsements of RuRu so as to protect the reputation of the company.

At that time, Hong Chi was on the phone speaking with Li Chanying. "Did she know about RuRu's scandal already?"

"Not yet. But she might run amok. RuRu took the second place during the pre-launch. You know Xiexie planned to use her in boosting the client base of Li Textile," Li Chanying took a deep breath. "There's only one way to pacify her."

Hong Chi's lips formed a straight line. "Well, this would be a good timing. Especially that I don't like that Liu Lanzhi."

"Okay, I'll update you later."

"Sure," Hong Chi pressed the end call button.

Two hours after Li Textile withdraw its support from RuRu, the Hong Department Stores has withdrawn its investments from the company. At the Li Ancestral House, the strength on Li Jiayie's legs deserted her, as she fell on the sofa.

"What happened? What the hell did just happen?" Li Jiayie's blank stare made her secretary, Dao Ze trembled.

"O-Old Madam, CEO Hong informed me personally on the phone," The sweat on Dao Ze's forehead made him look as if he just finished jogging in his black business suit.

A hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes as her jaw slackened when she realized what Dao Ze has said. "She called personally?"

Dao Ze nodded. The CEO of Hong Department Stores has never called CEO Li for the last six years of their collaboration, how much more for a mere secretary? Hong Chi's secretary was always the one who negotiated the terms. Hence, he almost peed himself when an unknown number called and told him that the HDS has decided to withdraw its investments.

"Call Xiaoxie! Call her quick!" Li Jiayie ordered, her body was visibly trembling.

Dao Ze pulled his mobile phone fast. Dialing the Young Miss' number, it only kept ringing.

For the fourth time, Dao Ze shook his head. The Old Madam's face was already flushed.

"Send your men to look for her! Don't tell your men to stop until you find her," Her clenched fists slammed on her thighs, with eyes that were not blinking.

Dao Ze wanted to cry. Why was the Old Madam was acting as if she doesn't know that the Young Miss cannot be tracked easily? Only Li Chanying has the capability to do so. However, he has no choice. If the Old Madam told him to eat fire and walk on a thin ice in Lake Baikal, he would do so. The Young Miss Li really took after her. "Yes, Old Madam," Dao Ze took one last look at his boss before sprinting outside the room.

The subject of Old Madam Li's manhunt was currently seated on a gaming chair, with a straight back and eyes that focused on the monitor. On her side was a guy with pierced ears, wearing a black shirt with a white printed skull on it. Just like the woman, his back was also straight. His hands trembled slightly. It was unnoticeable but for Li Nuxie's eyes, nothing can get past on her observant eyes.

She inwardly smirked. She really hated people who were acting so full of themselves and still, weren't sure if they can bring home the bacon.

The players stopped playing and surrounded the two. A man stood up at the back. "Today, Rezvani and –" he paused and glanced at Li Nuxie. "What's your name?"

"Call me B," she said. B, short for Blitzkrieg, she added silently. Of course, she will not announce it readily. A lot of top-ranking players have pooled their resources to uncover the person behind the code Blitzkrieg but did not succeed.

"Okay, this is a best of three match between Rezvani and B!" The crowd erupted in cheers. Most of them were rooting for Rezvani. Although the woman has a Primus black card, it doesn't guarantee her skills when it comes to playing Forza Horizon.

Only Huang Wensheng cheered for Li Nuxie. "Go, Elder Sister! Show them girl power!" he put his hand over his mouth when the other players glared at him.

"What? Are you a sissy?"

"You might be the number one player here at underground, but this is just a small speck of the gaming world," someone sputtered from the crowd of players.

Li Nuxie inclined her head and shaking her head slightly, signaled for Huang Wensheng to keep quiet.

The crowd ceased the banters when the monitor started the countdown.





Although Li Nuxie believed in her skills, she was still sweating. Her heart hammered against her chest while her ears were ringing. The fingers on the keyboard were as stiff as her shoulders. She has been pressing hardly on the key for nitro as her car avoided obstacles. Both cars were running on the same pace.

Her opponent was trying to knock her car down. With a clenched jaw, she narrowly avoided it. The crowd once again erupted in cheers. Although the main goal was to reach the finish line first, it was not bad to gather points along the way.

Li Nuxie was excellent when it comes to performing barrel rolls and air time. As her fingers danced over the keyboards, the car performed a three-barrel rolls in just one jump.

"Damn, she's good," someone commented.

Huang Wensheng's gaze never left the fingers of Li Nuxie. His eyes were full of respect. Elder Sister is a goddess, he thought.

However, that's not the case for Li Nuxie's opponent. His underarms were sweating like an emotional woman coming from a heartbreak. It's a good thing that he doesn't smell or else, Li Nuxie might have lost the game. She cannot stand someone who smell like a soldier who just finished a six-month training without taking off the combat boots and battle uniform.