Build an Empire

"Did your best friend just walk out on me, Second Young Master Xu?" Li Nuxie asked Xu Ming, arching an eyebrow. She was supposed the first one to leave.

An awkward laugh escaped from Xu Ming's lips. His fist badly wanted to test the durability of Xu Wei's face. He was an innocent bystander. How come he felt like sitting in an electric chair right now? "He he, he must be in a hurry. You know he's the CEO of the –" Xu Ming covered his mouth with his left hand. What was he saying?

Li Nuxie's brows drew together as her eyes took in Xu Ming's action. "CEO of the?"

Xu Ming cleared his throat. "He is the CEO of his company," he wanted to smack his head. He was hoping his elder brother would not get hold of this. His gaze unconsciously went to the red button at the corner of the ceiling. He was weeping inside as he imagined Xu Wei's expression. Elder brother, have mercy, he pleaded silently.

"Xiexie, I'm done!" Li Chanying yelled from the stockroom, followed by hurried footsteps.

Li Nuxie tightened her lips as her cousin's voice entered her ears. A true lady does not yell.

"Xiexie, look at this," Li Chanying shove a paper bag to Li Nuxie's hands. "This will –" The words got stuck on her throat as she glanced to the man beside Li Nuxie.

Lowering her head, she greeted the man. "Second Young Master Xu, it is an honor to see you here in my boutique."

"There's no need to be formal, Miss Li," Xu Ming told her. "I know your cousin," he added.

"Eh?" Li Chanying and Li Nuxie uttered at the same time.

Her cousin knew Second Young Master Xu? Li Chanying asked inwardly as she gave Li Nuxie a sideway glance. As the owner of Ying Design Limited, she has the opportunity to meet the Second Young Master Xu. As for the First Young Master Xu, Li Chanying only saw him from afar. He was not the type of businessman you can easily approach. Even their grandma, Li Jiayie, has not met the heir apparent of the Xu Family.

Since when did she know this annoying man in front of her? Li Nuxie asked herself. Did she knock her head and got an amnesia?

"Gotta go, ladies. By the way, Miss Li," Xu Ming turned to Li Chanying. "Are you going to attend the annual scion gathering?"

"If I am still invited, I will be there." The annual scion gathering is a rare venue to promote one's business. No businessman in his or her right mind will let the chance slip from their fingers.

Xu Ming nodded. "And how about you, Young Miss Li?"

Li Nuxie inclined her head. "Probably not. Only the presidents and CEOs are invited, right?"

"Indeed, you're right. But they can bring dates," he rubbed his chin. "Can you be my date, then?"

"Excuse me?!" Li Nuxie's voice went a notch higher upon grasping the suggestion of Xu Ming. Even Li Chanying's jaw dropped.

Xu Ming raised his shoulders in a shrug. "I still lack a date for the party and I think you look pretty cool, so bringing you as a date is not bad."

Li Nuxie's hand went to her throat as she swallowed involuntarily, a flash of doubt lingered in her eyes. Why would the Second Young Master Xu extend an invitation to be his date? If it was Mr. Book who asked her to be his date, she would gladly accept.

"You still have time to think about it. No pressure," Xu Ming told her.

No pressure? Li Nuxie wanted to scream at Xu Ming's face. The mere fact that the Second Young Master Xu invited her was already putting too much pressure on her shoulders.

"Miss Li, I hope you can keep what happened here under wraps," Xu Ming said, inclining his head towards the sales ladies.

"Don't worry, Second Young Master Xu. The YDLB valued our customers' privacy."

Xu Ming nodded. "Well then, I'll get going. Let's meet some other time, Young Miss Li," he gave her a warm smile before turning towards the sales lady, taking the paper bags with YDLB logo on it.

Li Nuxie waggled her forefinger in front of Li Chanying. "Details can wait. Meeting with Grandma cannot," effectively shutting down any attempt of her cousin. With that, all Li Chanying could do was rolled her eyes and sighed repeatedly.

Li Chanying slowed down the car in front of the Li Ancestral House. When Li Nuxie left the house to live on her own, she also left. The Old Madam Li never liked Li Chanying and she was fully aware of that. Despite that, she grew up happily with Li Nuxie and Li Chao. Of course, there was occasional fighting among the three of them but it was normal with kids their age.

It was always Li Nuxie versus Li Chao versus Li Chanying. As children, the three of them barely saw eye to eye on many things. At the end of the day, all of them were facing the wall while kneeling on the mung beans.

Their grandma was more lenient with Li Nuxie since she was the youngest. While she and Li Chao would kneel on both knees, Li Nuxie would kneel on one knee while the other would kneel on the cold floor.

A nostalgic smile hovered on Li Chanying's lips as she went out of the car.

Dao Ze was already standing near the main door. "Young Miss, Miss Li, welcome back," he bowed before ushering them inside.

Li Nuxie slightly nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Where's Grandma?"

"At the study room, Young Miss."

She turned to Li Chanying. "Wait for me here. I'll just talk to Grandma."

"Okay. I'll be in the kitchen," Li Chanying marched towards the kitchen without looking back.


Li Jiayie was pacing back and forth inside the study room, the tip of her cane thumped against the wooden floor, creating a distinct sound. This used to be Li Nuxie's favorite part of the house where she drew to her heart's content. Dao Ze informed her that both cousins were currently in the ancestral house. Of all her grandchildren, Li Nuxie was her favorite. However, she cannot favor her all the time.

The knock on the door interrupted her musings. Straightening her back, she went to the sofa and occupied the middle part, her legs were crossed. "Come in."

The door was pushed open, revealing Dao Ze. "Old Madam, Young Miss is already here," he said, pushing the door wider. "Young Miss, you may go in."

Li Nuxie took a step inside before he closed it and stood not far from Old Madam Li. Dao Ze might be avoiding what happened at Li Headquarters. She shrugged her shoulders. Good enough, she thought.

Her eyes wandered around the study room before stopping at her grandma who was seated like the Old Madam that she was. The study room was still the same eight years ago. It was where she lost her design. She inwardly smiled, albeit a bitter one.

"Grandma, I hope you are feeling well," she bowed before her. No kiss on the cheek or linking of arms with Li Jiayie. Just a plain bow. Respectful but distant.

Li Jiayie gritted her teeth. "Is this how I raised you, Nuxie?"

Crossing her arms, Li Nuxie arched an eyebrow. Li Jiayie only called her given name whenever she was displeased with Li Nuxie. "What do you mean, Grandma? Did I not show my filial piety by bowing to you?"

"Filial piety?" Li Jiayie slammed her cane against the floor. "I've been looking for you for the last few days. The Li Textile is facing a crisis and you are nowhere to be found!" She spat the words.

"Don't you have a new CEO? Why do you need me for?" Li Nuxie went straight to the point. After all, her main objective in visiting Li Jiayie was to convince her to put Li Nuxie in the CEO position.

"For Pete's sake, how can you be so petty? So if anyone in the Board wanted to be the CEO, should I give in to them just because I needed their ideas?" Li Jiayie pointed her finger to Li Nuxie. "Remember, you're the Young Miss of the Li Family. You have an obligation to protect our ancestors' legacy."

Li Nuxie remained standing. In the presence of the Old Madam Li, unless you were told to sit, you would stand the whole time. "That's bull, Grandma," Li Nuxie's hands trembled. Her heart wanted to shout. Her mind was in chaos but her face revealed nothing.

In front of Li Jiayie, the Young Miss Li cannot afford to lose her cool.

"You!" Li Jiayie's grip on her cane tightened, her eyes were wide. It was the first time Li Nuxie talked back. And worse, she did it in front of her secretary. Dao Ze lowered his head. I didn't hear anything, he chanted in his mind.

If his head became lower, Li Nuxie was afraid Dao Ze might break his spine.

"Give me the CEO position and I will bring the Li Textile to unparalleled new level. That's all I ask." This time, Li Nuxie lowered her head; sincerity was evident in her eyes when she raised her head again.

"How could you be so greedy?" These were the words Li Nuxie was not expecting Li Jiayie would say to her.

Since when did protecting a family's legacy become a symbol of greed? Li Nuxie just wanted to make sure the Li Textile remained in the hands of the Lis.

A laughter devoid of warmth escaped Li Nuxie's lips. She rubbed her nape. "You call me greedy but you didn't criticize the woman who stole my design?"

"Is this still about the stolen design? My goodness, Li Nuxie. That was eight years ago. You should move on!" Li Jiayie's jaw was set and thrust forward.

Li Nuxie's posture became rigid. She bit the inside of her cheek as the warmth in her eyes slowly disappeared. Her own grandmother, who was very particular with intellectual property rights, was telling her to move on.

"Why are you telling me this, Grandma?" She pointed her finger on her chest. "I am your biological granddaughter. Not that woman. She is just a butler's daughter."

"Stop it!" Li Jiayie screamed at her, throwing the cane at her direction. Li Nuxie did not move. The cane struck her left arm which reddened instantly before falling down on her feet. The Old Madam Li, for the first time, has threw her cane towards her favorite granddaughter.

"Old Madam, please mind your blood pressure," Dao Ze intervened from the side.

Li Nuxie was used to Dao Ze's behavior. As Li Jiayie's secretary, his loyalty was expected to lay on his boss and not to anyone. Even if that person was the Young Miss Li.

Li Jiayie looked at Li Nuxie, her eyes were still burning with anger. Her clenched fists were on her side. "If you are waiting for me to say sorry, don't. It's your fault for provoking me."

Shaking her head, Li Nuxie gave her grandmother a bitter smile. "I'm sure your chosen one has the capability to bring Li Textile to a new height. Given that you chose an outsider over your two grandchildren, there is no need for me to intervene."

The Old Madam Li clenched her jaw. She opened her mouth but no words came out.

"Goodbye, grandmother. I hope you are well the next time we meet," she started walking towards the door. The next time we meet, I have already started building my own empire, Li Nuxie swore at the back of her mind.

Li Jiayie stood up. "Where are you going? I am not finished yet."

But Li Nuxie continued walking. Away from her grandma. Away from the Li Family.