North or South

"You need to move your hands, Miss Nuxie!" the crowd shouted, followed by giggles.

Li Nuxie's hand went still, her heart hammered against her chest. Move? Please don't make her commit a sin.

"Children, don't be too rowdy," Miss Shayla cautioned.

But the children merely lowered their voices. "Miss Nuxie, you need to touch him and guess his name," they went on.

"So you need to play by the rules," the man also egged her on.

Li Nuxie gulped. Going north or going south? Go south! Her left side of mind told her. You can find the jewels there!

She shook her head. Definitely not. This was a Strictly Parental Guidance kind of thing. Remember the kids. Don't corrupt their minds! The right side argued. Taking a deep breath, Li Nuxie did what she thought was right.

When Li Nuxie moved her hand upwards, the light and delicate touch made Xu Wei squeezed his hands into fists, his mouth formed a straight line.

His woman was doing a good job of testing his self-control. The light and delicate touch was sending his hormones into frenzy.

Li Nuxie was of course, unaware of what she was doing. She was just merely playing by the rules. Her fingers traveled through his neck, tracing his jawline.

She can feel her fingers trembled. Damn, why was this man has perfect skin? She cannot feel the presence of pores at all.

The children continuously cheered for Li Nuxie when her hands explored Xu Wei's face. She felt the man's stiff expression.

"I'm just playing by the rules. No need to be so stiff about it," she said, hurt by his reaction.

Xu Wei kept his mouth closed, afraid that he might do something he would regret later.

"This is Xu Wei, right?" Li Nuxie said, her tone was higher than normal.

Xu Wei caught his breath in his mouth. She knew him? He stared at her, his mouth was left hanging. Since when?

"So you know me?"

If Li Nuxie was not blindfolded, she would have rolled her eyes.

"You just told your name a while ago," she said, sarcasm laced her voice.

"I just said 'Wei', not Xu Wei," he argued.

"Well, Mr. Wei, if you don't like it, how about telling me your name?" the question rolled out of Li Nuxie's tongue smoothly.

Xu Wei chuckled at her suggestion. "You just mentioned it, didn't you?"

Li Nuxie stomped her feet, completely forgetting the audience around them. "Stop messing up with me."

"I don't," he whispered. He straightened his back, looking around them. "Miss Nuxie here got my name," he announced.

The children clapped their hands.

"Yey! Miss Nuxie, you already won for the first time in six years!" It was followed by cheers.

Li Nuxie's mouth broke into a smile amid the noise from the crowd. She brought her hands behind her head to remove her blindfold. But before she can pull it, the warm breath of Xu Wei invaded her personal space.

"Congrats, Xiexie," Xu Wei said, his warm lips pressed on Li Nuxie's forehead.

Li Nuxie caught her breath in her mouth as her legs went jelly.

The teenage girls shrieked when they realized what Xu Wei did to their benefactor.

"Miss Shayla, aren't they cute?"

"Yes, they look good together," Shayla nodded as she eyed the two.

Li Nuxie untied the knot of her blindfold, pulling it harshly. She opened her eyes to the face of Xu Wei. His gorgeous charcoal eyes bored into hers.

Maybe it was because of anger or the heat of the sun that she was able to stared back at his eyes without blinking.

"Stop taking liberties on me!" Li Nuxie hissed.

She knew she liked the man but it doesn't mean that he will just kiss her whenever he wanted to.

Xu Wei shrugged. "You can kiss me on my forehead too," he said with eyes that twinkled with amusement.

"Oh, just shut up," she dropped the argument. She can't win against this guy. But on one hand, she would love to kiss him. It doesn't matter what part of the body.

Stop being so one sided, Li Nuxie, she scolded herself. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Shayla.

"I need to go. I still have an appointment later," she smiled and bowed her head down.

A small girl tugged the hem of her shirt. "You're going already? We haven't played yet."

Li Nuxie bent over, her face leaned closer to the girl. "I'll visit again in the future, okay?"

The girl nodded before raising her pinky. "Pinky promise?"

Staring at the girl's pinky, Li Nuxie lips curved into a smile before locking her pinky with it. "Pinky promise," she said.

After bading goodbye with the children and Miss Shayla, Li Nuxie went out of the compound of the satellite office. Xu Wei was following behind her.

Her neck went stiff as she tried to look in front. She knew that Xu Wei was drilling holes at the back of her side.

She remembered the NU C's launching. She also realized the meaning behind Hong Chi's lecture.

Maybe she can?

She halted her steps, turning her head back. Xu Wei arched his eyebrow, nevertheless, he also stopped.

"Uhm, I will attend a launching in the afternoon. Would you like to come?" Li Nuxie wanted the earth to swallow her after. How come she became this frank?

Xu Wei maintained his poker face. "Sorry, my afternoon was already booked."

"Oh," There goes Li Nuxie's pride. She resumed her walking.

"Aren't you going to go to your hotel now?" he asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"Then go now. You don't want to be late for your appointment, right?"

Hmmmp. Li Nuxie rolled her eyes. She was expecting that he will send her to the hotel. So much expectations.