Annual Scion Gathering (3)

Li Nuxie's eyes darted back and forth, searching for Li Chanying. But even her cousin's shadow could not be detected. Where was she? Li Nuxie asked inwardly.

Meanwhile, Xu Wei tightened his grasp around Li Nuxie's arm. Li Nuxie furrowed her brows, glancing towards him. "What is it?"

He leaned closer. "Whatever happens, I'm just here."

Li Nuxie has yet to answer when her grandmother's voice reached her ears.

"Nuxie," Li Jiayie's voice cracked but she maintained her composure.

Li Nuxie glanced towards the direction of the voice. She bowed slightly. "Grandmother."

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your date?" Li Jiayie peered towards Xu Wei.

She glanced at him. As if Xu Wei can sense her hesitation, he extended his hand.

"Please to meet you, Old Madam Li. I'm the President of Empire Systems Corp. and your granddaughter's date for tonight."

Li Jiayie accepted the hand, shaking it firmly. "Please take care of my granddaughter then."

"No need to tell me. Xiexie is very special to me," he said, tapping her hand which was resting on his other arm.

Her grandmother nodded. "Your cousin is here. Observe proper etiquette and decorum."

Li Nuxie knew that she was not talking about Li Chanying. She pressed her lips as she smiled. "Of course, grandma. It is expected of the Young Miss Li," she said, raising her chin.

Her eyes zoomed in to the woman behind her grandmother. She was expecting to see Liu Lanzhi in the party but she didn't know that she has to talk to her. Oh well, as a Young Miss, she was required to be a hypocrite.

"Cousin," Liu Lanzhi greeted her. A smile was plastered on her lips but Li Nuxie thought she was mocking her. She only recognize one cousin and that's Li Chanying.

She lifted her chin. "CEO Liu," she returned the greeting. Liu Lanzhi looked like a nymph straight from the Greek Mythology book. Her chest area looked so proud, as if ready to pounce anytime.

Liu Lanzhi's eyes went to Xu Wei's direction. "Black Emperor, I've heard so much about you."

Xu Wei nodded curtly. "And so I was told."

"Where did you meet my cousin?" Liu Lanzhi voice was soft, gliding smoothly from her lips. Her eyes sparkled with interest.

Li Nuxie smiled tightly, her hand went higher to Xu Wei's biceps. This woman stole her design years ago. She would be damned if she let Liu Lanzhi steal something or someone from her again.

"I met him on a train when I was traveling," she answered for Xu Wei. "How about you? Haven't you met anyone you fancy here?"

Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow. Li Nuxie's actions didn't escape her eyes. She sneered inwardly. That's good. She should know that even if she was the Young Miss Li, she can still get it from her.

She shrugged. "He's not here yet."

Meanwhile, Xu Wei's heart swelled with happiness as he observed Li Nuxie's actions. He couldn't believe she was threatened with the presence of this woman in front of them. However, Liu Lanzhi doesn't interest him the way Li Nuxie did.

He erupted into a full blown laughter when he realized what Li Nuxie had just said. His shoulders were still shaking as he turned towards Li Nuxie, his eyes beamed with adoration.

"What's so funny?" Li Nuxie asked, eyebrows drew together. She was still oblivious to the fact that she already revealed something.

Xu Wei touched the tip of her nose. "You," he said.

The other guests eyed them with interest. The three ladies connected with the Li Family, rubbing elbows with the rising scion of IT Industry.

Black Emperor governed over The Ridge, considered as City S' Silicon Valley. As someone new to the business scene, he was able to take over even the most established IT companies in the country.

There was a time when people thought that the Triad of City S would change. However, the Xu, Yang, and Li Families were still grasping tightly to the power they held for the longest time.

Also, the Black Emperor was friends with the Second Young Master Xu. Another reason why other businessmen do not mess with him.

"I'm just lucky to have you," he told her. As expected, his woman knew how to play his game. Xu Wei thought he was able to cover up her identity. He has been the Black Emperor since six years ago and no one has uncovered it, even their most capable competitors.

Li Nuxie was scary. For her to know about his two identities, it was not an easy task. That only means she knew how to utilize her resources. Indeed, he was lucky to have her.

Xu Wei leaned closer to her ear. "I want to kiss you," he whispered.

Li Nuxie rolled her eyes, the heat creeping through her face. Through clenched teeth, she told him, "I said you can kiss me when we're alone. Stop flirting with me in public." She pinched his arm.

"Ow," Xu Wei smiled. "Okay, Empress. Your wish will be granted later."

Li Jiayie looked at the couple. Both have been enjoying their time with each other. That was a good thing. She has never seen Li Nuxie beaming like that in the past. She smiled and laughed but not so carefree as she can see in front of her.

For her part, Liu Lanzhi was fuming. Black Emperor was ignoring her while flirting with Li Nuxie in front of her. She has the face and body of a goddess. How could he ignore her just like that? When she approached them, she knew that Xu Wei and Black Emperor was one and the same.

She badly want to tear Li Nuxie's hand away from him. She saw him first. He was hers.

The music slowly transitioned to a sweet love song. Couples went in the middle of the dance floor to dance.

Liu Lanzhi found the perfect opportunity. "Black Emperor, would you do the honor of dancing with me?" she glanced at Li Nuxie. "I'm sure my cousin wouldn't mind, right?"

Li Nuxie plastered a smile on her lips. She would mind! But the Liu Lanzhi in front of her would not back down.

"Nuxie, I don't think there's something wrong if you let your date dance with your cousin," her grandmother butt in.

Li Nuxie raised an eyebrow. Liu Lanzhi was really an eyesore but alright, she would allow it. She glanced at Xu Wei whose lips were tightly pressed into thin line.

She leaned towards him, placing a chase kiss at the corner of his lips. Li Nuxie just branded him. The official photographer caught sight of it and snapped a picture.

Withdrawing her face, Li Nuxie fixed his tie and collar.

"Of course. Baby, be a darling and dance with my cousin. You need to act like a perfect gentleman even for a few minutes. After all, my cousin doesn't have a date," she glanced at Liu Lanzhi.

Liu Lanzhi took all the self-control she needed not to pull Li Nuxie's hair. She almost run amok when Li Nuxie kissed Xu Wei. She clenched her fists, taking a deep breath.

Xu Wei doesn't care about anything except Li Nuxie. His heart has not recovered yet from the kiss she gave him. "Okay, then. But promise me, your last dance will be mine."

"Okay, okay," she laughed.

Xu Wei extended his hand. "Let's dance, Miss Liu," he said, leading Liu Lanzhi to the dance floor.