Olympic Talent

In the middle of the night, four shadows walked towards the direction of the border, their moves were nimble.

On Li Chanying's left shoulder was the laptop bag. She was the only one carrying a bag. Despite this, her walk was still fast.

The night was dark with only the lights from the houses illuminating the road. Country L has no curfew. However, not a soul can be found on the road. Aside from their ragged breathing, the night was pretty silent.

The border was a forty-minute walk from where they came from. As they got closer to the border, the area gradually became abandoned.

It was a good thing that the lights were only focused along the concrete fences. The upper portion of the fence was made of steel coupled with electric shocks, making it impossible for looters to climb inside.

"Our goal is to take away the vehicle without creating a scene and attracting suspicions," Li Nuxie told the team. The road leading towards the main gate of the border was decorated with trees. It was not like those fruit-bearing trees but at least, it can provide them a cover.

Unless someone will direct the lights to the direction of those trees, no one will discover that there were four people discussing how to infiltrate Country M.

Li Chanying sat down on the ground and pulled out the laptop out of its bag. Upon entering the password, she accessed the CCTVs around the perimeters.

She knitted her eyebrows as she went over the mechanism connecting all the CCTVs in the area.

"Can't do. The CCTVs are connected to one server only," Li Chanying said, shaking her head.

"What will we do, then?" Huang Wensheng butt in.

Li Nuxie tapped her foot against the pavement. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. "Let Ying handle that. That's her job."

Suddenly, a bright yellow light tore into the night, catching the four people off guard. Huang Wensheng almost stumbled on the ground as he dashed behind the tree. His breathing was labored.

The three other people also took their cover albeit without breaking into sprint. Four pairs of eyes followed the source of light which was a white van. The color stood out amid the darkness that enveloped the surroundings.

"That must be carrying the people who will do the patrolling for the next few hours," Li Chao voiced out loud.

The white van stopped in front of the gate. Afterwhich, a person wearing a protective suit came out of the van and headed towards the gate.

Li Chao has still his 20/20 vision, hence he can clearly see how the person knocked on the small window and yelled something.

Afterwhich, the gate slowly opened. The person ran back and boarded the van as it entered the premises.

From where they were currently standing, the distance was still 40 meters. That might be done to be able to see clearly the people who will try to infiltrate the country.

"Did our opponents were able to go inside?" Huang Wensheng asked, glancing around.

Li Chao raised his shoulders in half-shrug. "We were late due to what happened in the cave. Who knows if they were successful or not?"

The gadgets given to them were still functioning, hence, they can only assume that no one has located their target yet.

"I've already got it," Li Chanying said, her fingers were still moving fast across the keyboard. "The CCTVs change screens every 5 seconds."

Huang Wensheng's shoulders slumped down, eyes were wide. "F-Five seconds?"

"That's enough time," Li Nuxie chimed in.

"How could that be enough time?" Huang Wensheng turned his head towards Li Nuxie.

Li Chao who was standing nearby went behind Huang Wensheng, slapping his shoulders lightly. "Relax. My little sister here knows what she's saying. If she said that's enough time, then it is what she says."

Huang Wensheng did not say a word but his eyes shone apprehension.

"You should know the word 'trust'," Li Chanying said. Her eyes were still glued on the monitor of the laptop. "For a boy your age, you're so full of hesitation."

"I'm not a boy anymore!" Huang Wensheng protested.

Li Nuxie, who was listening to their banter, rolled her eyes. "Why? Are you in your late twenties? You're not even twenty so stop whining."

"So what will we do now, little sister?" Li Chao's voice went back to its usual stiffness.

"When the van gets out of the gate, I will run towards it while Li Chanying manipulates the CCTVs," she glanced at her cousin before continuing.

"Elder brother will follow me and after I made them sleep, that's when we go in."

"Then what? The van will be going inside again? Will they not be suspicious?" Huang Wensheng asked.

Li Nuxie did not answer. Instead, she stared at the gate for a long while. When she spoke again, her voice was cold as the icebergd in Antarctica. "They would but by the time they knew it, it's already late."

Huang Wensheng cannot helped but shuddered upon hearing it. It was a good thing he didn't go against Li Nuxie. Or he was done for.

Not long after, the gate once again opened. Li Nuxie took a step forward. "Are you ready Ying?"

"Anytime," was Li Chanying's response.

Li Nuxie crouched down, her fingers touched the pavement. She raised her head a little bit, her eyes reflected with determination. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes.

The van has stopped for the meantime. The driver's seat opened before the driver went out of the van and walked towards that small window. He was also sporting a protective suit.

"On my mark," Li Nuxie said. She opened her eyes and dashed towards the van.

Huang Wensheng forgot to blink his eyes. When he realized that Li Nuxie was not in front of them anymore, his eyes went round. He almost clapped his hands in amazement but stopped when he heard Li Chanying's fingers tapped against the keyboard.

"T-That's amazing," Huang Wensheng exclaimed. His eyes never left the direction where Li Nuxie went to.

Li Chao chuckled. "My little sister is indeed amazing. How fast is she this time, Ying?"

"She did it in 4.69 seconds," Li Chanying answered.

"Woah. That is an Olympic talent!" Huang Wensheng jumped up and down.

Li Chanying laughed. "She doesn't care about Olympics though. Chao-ge, it's time."

Li Chao nodded before assuming the pose of Li Nuxie earlier.

"Don't tell me, you're also sprinting?" Huang Wensheng wrung his hands in front of his chest.

Li Chao just nodded. Li Chanying continued maneuvering the server of the CCTVs. "But Xiexie is still better," she commented.

"Shut up," Li Chao cannot helped but voice his grievance. "Just do your job."

"Good luck, elder brother!" Huang Wensheng butt in before the two cousins fight head on.

Li Chao just grunted before dashing towards the direction Li Nuxie went to.