Three Levels of Hell (5)

"We can't do anything?" Huang Wensheng asked Li Chao.

Li Chao exhaled. "All by ourselves?" He shook his head. "I guarantee it. Unless someone helps us, we can't get away from this." But who would help them? Their only hope was Li Nuxie.

"How about elder sister Chanying?"

"We lost contact with her when we were being chased a while ago. I doubt if she can locate us here," he said.

Huang Wensheng smiled but his eyes lacked the usual sparks. "No matter, I still believe elder sister Chanying can save us."

The man in front of him just sighed. Li Chao didn't know if being a kid was a nice thing or what. They still believe in the things they wanted to believe in. But he was being realistic. And hoping. Somehow.

Meanwhile, the subject of their conversation was currently hacking the server connected to the area where Li Nuxie and the rest were trapped.

Li Chanying accidentally found it while snooping around. However, it was not an easy task. The firewall and security measures were all top notch. She exhaled while her fingers continued to tap over the keyboard.

She can feel the bones in her fingers becoming stiff but she cannot stop or she would be found out. Worse, her cousins and Huang Wensheng would be in danger. She knew that Li Nuxie was already at the second level.

Although Li Chanying doesn't know how many levels there were, she definitely knew that the higher level, the more dangerous it was. After all, One Billion dollars was at stake.

Damn, after this, she would take a vacation in Country P.

Truth was, she had been trying to infiltrate the server connected to that goddamn place where for the the last five hours. Her neck started to feel stiff just like the joints at the lower part of her body.

Li Chanying was sitting in cross legged position to support the laptop. At the same time, she needed to mind her surroundings for fear that someone might see her. She needed to infiltrate it before daybreak. It would be more risky in the morning.

In the monitoring room

"Someone is infiltrating the hidden server!" A voice rang out inside the room. Simultaneously, tapping of keyboards can be heard in the background.

The man who was sipping his coffee spit it out. He stood up, throwing the cup against the wall. The coffee has stained the already battered wall, making it look like a tragic painting of frustration.

"Locate that person alive!" He ordered his henchmen. In a minute, men with brusque physiques went out of the room.

As if the strength deserted his legs, the man slid down on the chair. His eyes have already black circles around them.

He wiped his face with his bare hands as he groaned. The Yang Family surely have a capable enemy.

"Fuck it!" The programmer who was in charge of the server connected to the mechanisms at the underground tunnel slammed his fists against the table. "Sir, the server was already infiltrated!"

The man raised his head. "So what are you doing? Idiot, trace that person!"

The programmer resumed his work, sweat was forming above his forehead. His fingers tapped the keyboard faster than he text his mother.

He shook his head. The person was able to go the center of the server before putting several defenses. Shoot, those defenses were familiar.

"It's Vulture! This was the work of Vulture!" The programmer shouted in surprise.

In the virtual world, everyone knew who Vulture was. Vulture was the defending champion of Worldwide Hacking Competition. The prize was secret but it was said to be enough for a hacker to live his life peacefully.

Inside the tunnel, the eyes of Li Chao and Huang Wensheng went wide when the steel bars suddenly withdrew. The laser beams also vanished.

"Elder sister Chanying was able to do it!" Huang Wensheng screamed, not minding that the tunnel was once again enveloped in darkness.

Li Chao was speechless. His cousin really has done it. As if he was not lying on the ground for the last hour, he jumped up before pulling Huang Wensheng to stand.

"Let's go. We need to get out of here in five minutes," he told the teenage boy. As far as he know, Li Chanying can only hold it for five minutes before the server would be controlled again by the enemy.

Huang Wensheng nodded as they dashed towards the direction of Li Nuxie. Their hands were running along the walls covered in moss.

Inside the steel barrier, Li Nuxie wrinkled her eyebrows when it opened again. Not only that, all the steel barriers ahead of her, five of them, suddenly stopped moving.

What happened? She asked inwardly. This was a trap, right?


"Elder sister!"

Li Nuxie's heart raced as she heard the voices. They were able to escape from the steel bars?

"I'm here! Hurry up!" She shouted back.