A revelation

The night was silent. Not a unnatural silence but just very quiet, the only sound was the whisper of his bed sheets moving. As he turn side to side his dream intensified slowly into the nightmare which was his past. Squirming as the nightmare was reaching the apex, he then suddenly seized up. Then he floated up in to the air. The room started to shake from his own raw power. And then… it stopped. Just like that he was drop on the bed and with the jolt from landing on the bed he woke up. "Again, how many times is this going to happen….." he stopped himself as he realised he was about to speak his own name. "How many time is this going to happen" he said to himself but was unsure if it was the the outburst of his power or saying his name which made him hesitate and this was unclear even to himself. Rolling over and settling in he soon drifted to a light sleep.

—— —— ——

The creaking of the wooden floor woke him. He was startled because the sound was coming from his own room. Trying to open his eyes without being noticed he squinted as he looked around the room. He was shocked at seeing the tavern keeper and two other men who looked like him which he guessed was the tavern keeper's brothers. They were looking at all his possessions and then he realised that they were robbing him. He tried to keep perfectly still to not to be noticed and it was working. But then the unexpected happened. One of the tavern keeper's brothers said "want me to kill him and take him to the caves?" "No I will, he was a real prick earlier when asked for this room". He was scared. There was no other way saying it. He was just scared. But then he realised it was calling him. He didn't know what to do. But he did know that his fear of the fear of the call was more than death itself so in that in mind he stood up. The robbers jumped back in surprise, not knowing what was going on. "Please I begging you leave take what you want but leave" he pleaded. The tavern keeper then had a evil grin appear on his face, and then saying "he's just a child crying for his life kill him" to his older brother or maybe just the tallest brother but no matter what he had the knife. "N-n-no that's not what I meant it's the call it's... it's coming" "hah he's a crazy to I'll just kill him now I think" the tallest brother said brandishing the knife in reply to he second plead. That when he noticed that the other brother. He was holding his ring and it was starting to glow a purple-ish black and he lost it. The call consume him. He started to shake. The tallest brother then took a step and swinged the knife at him. As the blade touched him it disappeared and soon after the tallest disappeared along with the knife. The tavern keeper now afraid stuttered "n-n-now no n-need to be h-ha-hasty you c-c-can have you stuff ba" the tavern keeper stopped midway in the word back before he disappeared too. The third brother was trying to ran away after he saw his brothers disappear but no more than two step he noticed the ring was now also glowing red it then suddenly flared up and blinded him and then he was burnt to a pile of ashes leaving only the ring left. Than he the last one in the room collapsed onto his knees afraid of what he had done. Then the screams started although the bodies had disappeared their voices had not. The bodies less screams made him break now in tears.

—— —— ——

He was still crying when the stranger entered. It was the man he had bumped earlier. In a whisper he ordered "grab your stuff we're going". He was surprised he then immediately gathered his stuff but then if ordered in his whisper again "no need to have food, just any essentials". He then grabbed his lucky flint, hunting jacket, and looking at the ash pile he walked over to it and took his ring back from the last of the third brother. And followed after the stranger.

—— —— ——

They were in a carriage and the stranger then asked in his whisper "what is your name child". He didn't want to lie to the stranger but he had no name anymore. After it was taken he had just avoided humans or any living creature in fear of hurting it, but it then a occurred to him although he had losted a name didn't mean he couldn't have one. So on that day he decided his name was going to be…..