The Warden

King and Ignatius had walked in. Just like that, they walked in with no one question them at all. King was at first worried about that but the believed that it was probably just because Ignatius was there, Consequently Ignatius was also unsure with no one there. It was peculiar because the first term had just started two weeks ago and everyone should have been running around and getting settled in. Ignatius then shrugged and continue walking, he honestly didn't expect the college to have changed this much since the last time he was here. This place had been Ignatius home when he was younger, this was his home even though the food and the bad… he hoped King would have a good time here and the Warden would be able to lend a hand to Ignatius other problem, and this one was not an overpowered kid but something much worse. Ignatius was brought back from his thoughts when King's ring started to glow. "What's wrong King. Your ring is glowing". Yep, he definitely needs the Warden help. "What…. is this….. picture" King asked in angry outbursts. "Oh yeah. The school has lots of pictures in the walls". The school was indeed littered with pictures and lists of names next to a crest, date and title. King was looking at one specially. It depicted a fight between three elementals, fire, lightning and plant (two unusually powerful but rare sub-elements). The users were merciless killing soldiers from an long forgotten clan, and from the landscape that had not come from this land. The date was over 1000 years ago. The title was unreadable due to its age and lack of care, because students would often only be cautious of the picture and didn't care of the date so would run their hands along the titles. Then Ignatius had started to walked off and King had no choice but to follow.

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They were wondering the halls trying to find someone, anyone they were both so bored and earlier when after they just met had a silent mutual agreement not to talk about King's past but they now had nothing to talk about. King was unsure of so much that was happening but didn't know how to ask for clarification, and Ignatius was stubborn and didn't want to disrespect King's privacy. So in all their relationship (which was made from a emotional person who was having a very bad day and a order) was deteriorating and they were just reflecting what was happening. Which lead Ignatius to think about King's power.

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The pair continue to walk until they reach a door which had a unrecognizable voice, which King believed was not human. Fortunately Ignatius new this door, it link to the capitearerar and was where a Warden could make speeches and stuff. Ignatius knew that King was unquestionably unique and he want to be around to see King progress, the newest Warden own Ignatius a favour so maybe it was time to check it in. And at the least he have to put Ignatius up for the night, that's what mother would have wanted. So thinking this Ignatius dramatically pushed the door open a little too loud and saw…. A crowd full of people sitting and looking right at him, and in the front of the hall was his brother the Warden.....