
Walking into class King was angry, he just saw Raios with tans group of other students on his way to class. This alone wouldn't have been bad, yes they were skipping class but that was their choice. However, Raios earlier had and said he was sick and unable to go to class today. King was upset about this lie because he believed that he was making progress after Raios had been distant during these first two weeks, after all Raios was his only friend. On top of this he was noticing more and more that people were talking about him. Rumors. Gossip. Whispers. All thing King had hoped would disappear when he first left for Khaumridge, now look, the exact same thing is happening here. Once he reached the line before class, King saw small group of roughly several people with a girl, short in stature, purple eyes, hazel coloured skin and light brown hair that went down near the middle of her back as the leader. Most quieted down when King approached, but not the girl. She walked over to him, King then stopped to say hello and she continued walking and bumped him with her shoulder knocking him to the floor, all this while saying "watch it freak, your no special than anyone else, now get out of my way". The words were dripping with venom. Standing there confused he was about to say something when the others in the group started to shout insults at him. Then a person proceeded to walk up to King, stretching out his hand and said "don't listen to those losers King, they're just jealous… or maybe scared". King looked up to the green eyes of Raios. Grabbing his arm King was pulled to his feet he then asked quietly "why are they scared… I thought… I thought, no one would be scared of me here". Shocked at King's words Raios didn't know how to answer. Scared, who else is scared by King. Raios was told by Ignatius and the Warden to keep an eye out for when King would say something about his past, he like Ignatius believed that King must come from a rich family for he was properly educated but never thought that there was a reason other than King running away from his home. But now, Raios saw something in King. A sadness tragic and block from the world. Steeling himself Raios said aloud for all to hear he said "they-" and was immediately cut off. "I'm not scared no one's scared of the likes of you. A rich boy who ran away from home, leaving your family all alone. You must of thought they would honour you on your return, but let me tell you what really can happen. You go back and they hate you, your own family hating you for leaving them because you have a mediocre gift in magic and-". "Your wrong… so wrong, mediocre gift you say" laughing King then continue. "I left to because of people like you but no more. You say that they hate me…" King stop again bursting with laughter. "Hate is an understatement… they will murder me. Murder. What a word murder is. Maybe I should murder you…" laughing again King noticed Raios horrified was expression at his words, somewhat sobering up he listened to the girl's words. "You. The weakest, most behind and most pathetic person I've ever met. Kill me, unbelievable just unbelievable". At that moment the unnamed teacher walked to class. "Line up you ungrateful lot, now get in the clas". The girl looked at King with pure hatred in her eyes stared at him walking into class following the teacher. "You know I think I'm have a little trouble making friends… I'm not sure why though". At this Raios just looked at King for ten whole seconds, then he erupted with laughter. Thinking while following King into class Raios thought, why is King's past so… buried....

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(I have just uploaded a cover for the novel. Please note that it is just for fun and the best I can do for now. I will most likely change it and it means a lot for people to read my novel so thank you. If there is anything you reads would like different please let me know in the comments)