Boss's boss's boss

Jean woke up early in the morning, despite not being a morning person. She don't want to be late and give her sister a chance to blame. Like usual she decided to skip the breakfast. By the time she came out of her room dressed in black skirt and tight shirt she looked enchanting. Her simple make up and elegant posture made her look like a businesswomen.

"Why are you here?" she asked the person in black suit sitting haughtily on the sofa. His leg crossed over his other knee. He looked so handsome and sexy.

"Hmm.. Its my girlfriend's first day as my employee. So I want to wish her good luck in my own way," he smiled at her expression. She looked so cute. He grabbed her hand and took her to kitchen. Her favorite food was prepared along with her smoothie and his handmade cookies.

"Thank you," she kissed him with passion. Though she got habituated to his caring nature, sometimes she still feels overwhelmed. Today is one of those day s and his simple gestures made her day pleasant. This is what she lacked and what she longed for since the day her parents died.

"Madam I will get late for my office, so let us eat breakfast I am starving," he winked at her.

After they finished eating, he kissed her goodbye and left a gift near her handbag before leaving. She booked her taxi and was about to leave when she saw the gift. She smiled again for his sweet gesture which warmed her heart. It is a bracelet on which all the best was engraved in French. And there was a letter in it. "All the best for your revenge. I will be there with you always and forever"- with love your boss's boss's boss."

She smiled and went down to the waiting taxi. As soon as she sat in taxi, a small girl came with a bouquet of her favourite flowers. There is another letter. "Do whatever you want and remember you will always have a person who will be always watching your back no matter what"- with love your CEO.

She came to the main branch of Cyphers. It is one of the magnificent building constructed by Samuel's comoany. After paying for the taxi, she was about to cross the road when an old woman smiled at her and gave her another gift and vanished. It is her favorite chocolates made by her two best brothers Nathan and David. There is another letter in it. Before she opens, it a beautiful girl came and handed her other cover. It contains purse from Daisy's fashion brand. She knows that Daisy made it according to her choice. Though it looked small it have hidden chamber for gun. She smiled at her friends thoughtfulness. That cover also have a letter.

She opened it. "Jean all the best and when you go back to your condo look under your bed. Aria have a special surprise for you"- Daisy.

She opened Nathan's and David's letter. "Little sis you have all of us. Don't hesitate to call your big brothers if you need any help. Don't act strong we know about your fragile heart. So please don't make us worry."

Tears rolled down over her face. She has a good family now on whom she can rely. In front of whom she can show her real side.

Fragile and broken.

She didn't notice the two persons standing on either side of her. "You may think you are broken but we only see our strong Jean every time we look at you." Samuel said before Aria gave her another cover which looked like a document. Don't open now. Open it when you feel that what I said is true. When you believe that you are strong." Sam said and left.

Later she went into the company, from where she will start the downfall of her so called family who are murderers.