Kidnapped while real heir is exposed

Jean sighed at her monstrous sister. As they anticipated Cass opened up her true intentions. Though she is sad that she didn't have any option rather than to hurt her sister. Now she will not back down with family sentiments.

But before that she want some alone time to clean out her fragility because of this pretentious family. But first she have to visit her parents grave for that.

Kim who saw her distressed face panicked right over there. He have seen how much his cold hearted boss pampered her and how much Mr. Perfectionist started admiring her. Even Madam Summers started adoring her soon to be daughter in law.

When he showed photo of Jean, she became too joyous and excited. Even when he said that she is CEO of INA she didn't even flinch but to his distraught she is even more delighted saying that both women she admired is turned out to be one.