Accurate to create Chaos

Jean POV

" You, is it you who dared to kidnap me" Jean yelled directly at him. She expected some one big but not this puppet of Keller's.

" Dear, are you expecting some other one huhhh…who will dare to kidnap my little kitten" he smiled caressing her cheeks.

Jean who is disgusted by his touch tilted her face sideward to avoid his filthy hand. She signaled through her fingers to her team to not interfere.

Though she know that Scott will be a raging cannibal ready to jump into action she have to wait patiently to see if anyway Vanessa is connected to this.

" Why did you kidnap me. I already said I hate you" Jean tried to provoke him.

"I kidnapped you because I don't want to let you go"

" I disgust you. Let go of me"

"Yes I will let go of you dear. I even called media to inform your location. You will be free but on one condition" Jasor said seriously while untying her hands.

"…" did he say that he will leave me. Huhhh this is not my plan….