Hacker's showoff

The executive connected his mobile to the projector and opened the video. It is same one released by him at afternoon. But the conversation between Aria, her manager and security chief can be listened clearly.

Soon after Aria ended her call she panicked a little. She looked around to find someone and she nodded her head at the well built man who is following her closely.

He approached her with polite gesture. "Apologies miss. But we are ordered by our madam to escort you back to one of her villa. As your identity was revealed we are asked to protect you and bring you back to the country".

His voice is cold and dangerous. By the way he and his subordinates moved around her one can say they are extremely professional.

The manager who came back to his senses asked " What madam" his voice is incoherent.

" My best friend. This is her own security team." Aria replied to him without looking at his face and she is not surprised at all.