I don't deserve this..

Scott couldn't bear to see her like that. Regardless of anything he will love her unconditionally. After turning off the TV he patted Nathan on shoulder indicating to free her from his embrace.

Nathan slowly moved away giving enough space for Scott to carry Jean to nearby sofa. He gently laid her and then sat beside her before hugging her. He kissed her forehead deeply. " I know who my girl is. She will never take wrong path to acquire something despite of how important it is. This always been her bottom line" he said gently.

Throwing every one in awe of how deep and understandable their relation is. Nathan and David are not even surprised or shocked because they knew how special these both are bonded with each other.

For Nathan making Scott understand the situation is least of his worries. He already anticipated how Scott will react after knowing this. He is happy that Jean found such a matured and caring man.