Promise me you will protect her

During the starting of audio they could only listen to drizzling sound of the rain and there was faint sound of person running and the other followed by it.

" Raymond wait..I am only hear to talk. Please don't run." Nathan was panting profoundly as if he is running very fast.

"Nathan better you leave chasing me. I don't want to talk to you nor Jean. Let go friend" the other panting voice yelled.

Jean face fell suddenly listening to the hatred voice of Raymond. She clearly didn't except it from him. Scott held her tightly before patting her cheek. " Its okay…its okay" he comforted her. She is no longer the fierce woman he just saw some minutes back.

Then there is a sudden splash sound like someone fell hard on the ground. "Ahhh…you. Nathan how dare you to throw it on me. " They could imagine Ray lying on the ground while Nathan walked up to him.

"Shut up Raymond. As I said I only want the reason behind your irrelevant behavior." Nathan sounded angry but also gentle.