Sorrouded by all her friends

INA - Jean's own company

Cyphers - Scott's own company

Aquaz. - Sameul's company

Grey Corp. - Grey's family company

Black's Corp. - Raymond's family corp

Hellen's Corp. - Nathan's family corp

Zenith fashions. - Daisy's own brand


As she should not overexert herself or take any kinds of mental stress it will be better if at least one of them interfere in every of her works. They decided to shift to same city as hers for temporarily until her treatment gets completed.

They will help her in taking her revenge and also in suppressing Adam in his own company. Her INA will be also taken care off….

But Scott should also make sure that his grandparents will not bother her much. For that he has to talk to his sister and Raymond.

Jasor is still bothering Jean so Nathan is perfect to take care of him…