A mirror image of Jean

At sharp six in the evening, Scott arrived at Grey Corporations to pick his girlfriend. Jean who is about to enter her car, looked at limited version Audi of Scott and smirked internally. If he is given an inch, he will try to make it a mile. But Jean liked this extra pampering of him.

She could vaguely sense the gawking people around her, Cassandra and Vanessa are also not an exception in devouring the beauty of this car. While others waited to see for whom this out of ordinary car is waiting. Jean unlocked her Ferrari and took her suitcase out of it, as if she isnt affected by it.

She kissed both Raymond and Seline goodbye and entered his car and didn't mind to leave her Ferrari in a parking lot. Seeing her getting inside this car, Cassandra and Vanessa gritted their teeth while others just stared at it like it was some spaceship.