Let's burn her face...

Scott has already sensed that someone was gazing at him deeply, as if obsessed with him, as if want to devour him alive. Feeling disgusted by that thought, he looked at that person through the rear view mirror of his car and frowned annoyingly.

His temperament is at its worst after leaving Jean all alone to herself, now he should also bear with this stupid and thick skinned woman for two days. He is not at all generous to restrain his temper, if she cross his line of patience. He swore that he will literally show her, that how the real hell looks like if she drags his love life in front of her grandfather.

"That leach is back," Seline grunted looking at that woman whose eyes are lusting on her twin brother. Seline hissed at that woman, she is not at all willing to share her brother with any one else except for her best friend Jean. Then how can she allow a gold digger to snatch her brother from her Jean.