We will always back you up

"What am I doing here… huff…..why was I not informed that I already have a beautiful granddaughter in law. I only got to know when your mom told me, Scott….I am so disappointed that you forgot to inform your most favorite granny" she sulked.

But she smiled when she saw her blushing granddaughter in law. Due to Jean's thin camisole little of her cleavage, neck and shoulders are clearly visible. The wild marks on her pale skin made her the most happiest grandmother in the world.

"I am just waiting for right time grandma, you know my how my stubborn and arrogant grandfather is. If he gets to know that I informed about my love life to my maternal family even before talking about that with my paternal family. He would be pissed at both my fiancée as well as you people" Scott explained his concern.

If isn't for that persistent old man he would have already took Jean to meet his maternal family who are his best supporters.